Chapter 22

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"How did you know about the ambush?" he asked.

The deep rumble of his voice interrupted the silence that lingered around them since she opened her eyes. He had felt her stir awake for some time but chose not to say anything and just enjoy her in his arms.

He did not want to break the tranquil moment in the cabin, but then remembering her words, he needed to know. She knew of the ambush. But how?

His skilled eyes should have caught it.

He lay still. Waiting for her to respond. She let the time pass before she gathered up the courage to tell him.
"It... was when I saw Lieutenant Haines," she said.

"You know him?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

He lay silent on the tone of her voice. He waited for her to continue. But her silence is all he got.
He shifted slightly and faced her.

His gaze steadily held hers.

"How well did you know him?"
A sharp possessive pang grew within him at the idea of her and Haines having anything more than a cordial acquaintance.
Although he had no right to feel anything of the sort, he could not help it.

She lowered her gaze. He gently tilted up her chin and waited for her to speak.
He could feel the slight shiver from her as she exhaled slowly.
"A year ago...He came to visit us in Port Royal," she began.
"He was a guest in our home during his stay."
She closed her eyes. She tried desperately not to let that day affect her.
"In my father's absence, he would look at me in a way that made me feel uneasy."

His jaw slowly tightened.

"He made advances towards me and tried to kiss me. When I threatened to tell my father, he laughed and told me he wouldn't believe me." she drew in a shaky breath.

His jaw clenched more. He was grateful that they were in the dark so she could not see the anger slowly crossing his visage.

"Did he touch you?"

"No. But the last day of his stay, he cornered me and pressed his body against me inappropriately in the stables and said things that frightened me."

He tilted her chin up gently. "What did he say?" he demanded.

The brief seconds of silence had him on edge.

"Tempest?" he whispered impatiently.

"One day I will be his," she mumbled.

A wrathful oath escaped him.

He pulled away gently from her and sat up; swinging his feet down on the ground. Gripping the wooden edge of the bunk he muttered another oath. She sat up wearily facing his back in the dark. At a loss for words and terrified that she said something wrong. She sat quietly behind him.

"I nearly delivered you to him." He whispered.

"Now I understand his insistence that you not be harmed. I thought it was concern because you are the Admirals daughter. Now, I know that is not the case," he shook his head.

"Tread lightly where she is concerned, pirate. Not a hair on her is to be touched or you will surely swing from the gallows," Haines warned him before letting him go.

Justin rose suddenly to his feet. "Damn him!" he cursed heatedly.

Hesitantly she knelt up and clutched the sheets to her chest and edged closer to him.

"Are you angry with me?"

"No, lass of course not," He murmured.

"It does not feel that way." behind him, her voice sounded sad. It jarred him.

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