Chapter 53

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"You're going to give me back my son.
Or you die."

An eerie silence spread across the ship's deck as they stared at one another.

Justin's gaze lowered to the gleam of the blade pressed beneath his chin, then slowly rose up to settle on Tempest.

He frowned at what she was saying.

Her son?

"Tempest..." He shook his head then paused as she pressed the blade to his throat.

"Where is my son?" She asked again.

Confused, he glanced up at the men around her. He did not understand.

"Tempest, our son..." He stopped as she leaned forward. The glare in her eyes went ice cold.

"My... son, " she hissed.

He remained silent.

"I won't ask again, where is he?"

"You know very well where he is, " he leaned forward.

She stood abruptly and began to pace.

He relaxed some but cautiously watched her and the blade in her hand; gleaming from the little sunlight left in the day.

"Tempest? Why are you doing this? Untie me." He said as he pulled on his restraints.

She stopped and faced him once more.

"You have the nerve to ask as if you don't know why?"

"No, I don't know why. Untie me. Now." He hissed.

"Not until you tell me where you have my son!" She yelled.

"He is DEAD! Tempest, " he yelled back.

She stumbled back with a gasp.

"What did you say?" She paled.

"He is dead. How can you not know that?" He shook his head?

"You lie, " she refused to believe him.

"What did you do with him?" She dropped to her knees.

Distraught sea green eyes rose to his, on the verge of tears.

In a flash of fury, she lunged for him; wrapping her fingers around his shirt.

"You murderer. You killed my son!"

"I did not!" He yelled struggling against his restraints.

In the melee of their shouting, one of the ship's men came running across the deck.
"A ship approaches, Captain!"

Another crewman followed; turning pale with fright.
"It is the Floating Vengeance, and it is coming quickly."

The captain cursed and turned away.

The men began to scatter as he shouted orders. "Raise the sails!"

Justin looked up at Captain Ramsey.
"Untie me, " he demanded.

He watched as the captain turned to face him then hesitated, then his gaze sadly lowered to Tempest; in a crumpled heap of tears before Justin.

"Untie me, " he demanded again.
But  Ramsey still refused as he nervously looked around with his men hurrying to raise the sails.

"Damn you, don't you see she is not well," Justin angrily shouted.

The captain wearily stared at Justin; conflict evident in his gaze.

"You are no match for my men. You are outnumbered." Justin added.

Still, the captain did not move.

"It will not bode well for you if they find me chained to this mast."

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