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"She knew more than the others liked to think

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"She knew more than the others liked to think."

Honey gave her brother a reassuring smile, one she didn't need to fake, as he turned to the sky, an unforgiving scowl plastered on his face. She knew it was better to let him rant about the kingdom's rulers here, where only she could hear him, rather than out in the open, where someone might dare accuse him of treason against the king, or more specifically, queen. 

From what Honey had heard, the king's wife, Malora, was the real power behind the throne, and the king was really just a sniveling fool, happy to live in his palace and let the villages nearest to the Wild Woods be destroyed.

At least the queen was trying to do something to keep the northern villages safe, unlike her husband. Honey only wished she could've had found a better way to do so, other than sending all of the kingdom's young boys into battle against the ruthless forces of the Wild Woods. 

From all that Honey had heard, which wasn't much since hardly anyone returned from the war front, was that the creatures that lived in the Wild Woods weren't like those who lived in Amaryllis. They were something called Mutare. Creatures as dark as night, and who lived by no laws or kinsmanship.

The citizens of Amaryllis were different than them, though. They were the chosen people of the gods above, a race called the Lekki. A race created by the Lady of Light's noble hand. Or so it was written in the Holy Texts of Amaryllis, a collection of stories telling about how the kingdom was created after the Lady of Light defeated the Dark Master in battle a thousand years ago.

However, Honey didn't really believe in the writings of a bunch of madmen from a millennium ago. Honey found herself not able to believe anything she couldn't see or touch with her own two hands.

"Do you think I'll survive?" Aldwin asked, his words breaking the chilling silence that had been stretching between the two siblings as Honey let her mind wander. "The first battle, I mean," he said, looking towards the brightening sky. "Then the war."

"Of course," Honey said, not hesitating before answering. She didn't need to think about the answer. She just knew it. "You're quick and resourceful. I'm certain you'll make any Mutare that dares to cross blades with you regret it," she said, doing her best to reassure her nervous brother. 

Then again, he had every right to be nervous. On the first of every month, soldiers came and collected any boy who had reached the age of fifteen, before taking them straight to the front lines with only some old armor and a dull sword. It was in the first battle that most boys lost their lives.

The first day of the last month of the year was only a mere two days from now, and both of the siblings knew it. "Everyone says that," Aldwin sighed. "I mean, doesn't everyone want to believe that their son will make a difference in the war?" he asked, sounding desperate, as he looked at Honey with his dark blue eyes. "That their brother will be the reason that the war ends and the Mutare are destroyed, once and for all?" Aldwin turned away.

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