Chapter 18

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"Are you ready to back downstairs or..."
Tyler asked trailing off.

"To he honest with you I think I like it better up here" I smiled as I run my hands over the bed spread "Your bed is really comfortable and its much quieter up here"

"We can hang up here if you want then but just know that I'll have to leave you alone like every ten minutes or so to check what's going on downstairs, you know..."

"I totally get it, you can't leave your house and party totally unsupervised with a bunch of crazy teens running around. Anything can happen- things get misplaced, destroyed, broken, vandalised and the list goes on" I said to him.

"Exactly, that's part of the reason why I've kept most of the other rooms here closed. My parents trusted me to have this party tonight while they're away if I can keep things in order" Tyler said to me "And even though Jov and Alex are here to keep an eye on things as well, since I'm the eldest and the one who decides to have this party, its kinda more my responsibility than theirs"

"We can always go back down now anyway, I don't really think it would be fair for you to miss out on your own party" I said to him.

"No its cool, I don't mind being up here with you. The whole point of inviting you to this party was so we could hang out and maybe talk. Not that we can do much of that down there with all the noise and interruption..." Tyler said to me.

"If you're sure about it then..."

"I'm sure" Tyler smile as he sat on the bed and started unzipping the green good jacket he was wearing.

"So... Tell me about this condom joke" I chuckled as I took up the box of condoms again.

"Cassie can you please just forget about this? Forget you never saw this?" Tyler groaned trying to grab the box from me but I held it out of his reach.

"No I can't. I wanna hear the story behind this 'Durex Xxl'" I giggled at Tyler facial expression.

"No you don't want to hear it. Its a stupid guy thing- my friends bought it and put it in my bag. In case you haven't noticed, my friends are idiots..."

"I would love to hear the story why they bought you extra extra large condoms" I said as I open the box and throw one of the little packet out "Can I pull this one?"

"Suit yourself" Tyler shrugged.

"I'm still waiting to hear the story, I'm not going to let it go in case you don't know" I chuckled as I tried ripping open the packet.

I was really curious to see what an extra extra large condom looks like. I've never seen one before but just by hearing the extra, I needed to see for myself.

"We were joking around last week and Gavin was the one who said I'm always behaving like the big adult so..." Tyler trailed off "When I came home, this fell out my bag..."

"Why do I feel like that's not the entire story?" I glanced at Tyler before trying to open the packet once again but was having some difficulties "How the hell do you open these things anyway?"

"Its easier like this" Tyler took the condom file from me and ripping it open with his teeth within a second before handing it back to me.

"Oh... You have a lot of practice with opening them?" I teased as took the condom out from its wrapper.

"Yeah maybe" Tyler responded chuckling and causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"That was meant to be somewhat of a rhetorical question. I never expected you to really respond. I do not need to know those grimy details" I said to him "Eww, it's kinda slippery"

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