3. Hanamiya Makoto: Love's a Game PT 2

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3. Hanamiya Makoto: Love's a Game PT 2

Hanamiya Makoto hated being wrong. Being wrong means that he made a mistake. It means that his well thought-out plan didn't suffice. Being wrong meant he failed.

The basketball player would never admit he was a failure aloud to the world. To him, it was the equivalent of streaking nude through a public place screaming that he was weak and stupid. He would much rather keep his pride, thank you very much.

Well, at least he used to be 100% sure of that. Now... times have changed.

You could feel his dagger-like gaze digging into your back as you walked past him. Dressed in a short dress with high heels and well-done makeup, you were hands down the most attractive person at the party. You shot people dazzling smiles and even winked at boys you thought were cute.

Gone were your tears of woe and pity. That good girl image of yours was destroyed the moment you broke up with that godforsaken jerk. Now you were the silver-tongued upperclassman who struck fear into the hearts you stole relentlessly.

"So the played has become the player," a familiar voice crooned.

You refused to spare a glance at him, merely rolling your eyes and sighing. "What do you want?"

"I want to know where my sweet, little (Y/N) went. She transferred schools a year ago, but I haven't seen her since. You look like you would know what happened to her." Hanamiya smirked.

"Your sweet, little (Y/N)'s gone," you deadpanned. "Do me a favor and leave me alone."

You started to walk away, but Hanamiya grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. He tilted your chin up and narrowed his gaze. "You came back, didn't you? You couldn't bear to stay away from me."

"You're despicable and narcissistic," you hissed.

"Big words don't scare me off, babe."

You froze upon hearing his old pet name for you. It brought back tons of memories of you laughing with him, kissing him, and crying over him. Anger boiled within you, blowing steam out of your ears. And how did you decide to release your anger?


"Stay away from me!" You shouted. The room fell silent as everyone gaped at you. But did you care? Of course not. "I hate you!"

Hanamiya said nothing in return as he watched you walk away. He held his hand against his stinging red face, remaining stoic as he thought. Minutes passed before a smirk curled onto his lips.

She's so much more interesting now.


Needless to say, word got around about your outburst at the party. You were given cautious glares and heard countless whispers from your classmates when you returned to school. It was true that you did move away for the past year, but that was because you had to take care of an ill relative.

It wasn't because of him.

Speaking of the devil, you groaned in misery as you turned the corner and came face-to-face with Hanamiya.

"That's not a very kind way to greet somebody," Hanamiya said, raising his brows. "You're supposed to say 'hello'."

"Goodbye," you snapped.

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