1. Moriyama Yoshitaka: Not 'The One' PART ONE

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1. Moriyama Yoshitaka: Not 'The One' PART ONE

{For more feels, listen to the song, SCREAM, by Do Kyungsoo that's linked at the side. The song isn't apart of the story but it's beautiful and sad.}

The first time Moriyama made your heart flutter was when he stood up for you against the teacher because other girls in the class got you in trouble. The day you acknowledged that you liked him was when he didn't go to the middle school dance because you were sick and the two of you played games all night. The moment you realized your were head over heels in love with him was when he kissed you on your cheek when thanking you for the present you gave him.

Now here you were drowning in your own feelings for the basketball player. Why, might you ask? You were about to confess to Moriyama on the school's rooftop while eating lunch when he dropped a bomb on you.

"Kida Hori is super cute, don't you think?" He hummed out of the blue.

Your heart dropped and you hid your surprise by covering your mouth while chewing. "That was random, Yoshi-kun."

The two of you were leaning against the back of the school rooftop's room that held the stairs that led back down to the ground floor. He turned his head towards you and grinned, his handsome face lighting up as he started talking about her.

"I think I'm going to confess my feelings to her. I've liked her ever since she transferred into our math class." Moriyama chirped.

Your throat tightened and you looked away, blinking rapidly so you wouldn't start tearing up. "You've liked dozens of girls before, baka. Don't ask her out if you're just going to start chasing someone else two weeks later." Your harsh retort stung Moriyama and he flinched away from you. He looked away and you felt bad and softened your tone. "You know that I'm not trying to be mean, and I'm sorry that it came out so nasty. I just don't want you or her to be hurt in this, this, this relationship."

The word pierced your heart and you patted his shoulder.

"I understand, (Y/N)-chan. It's just that Kida-chan is different. I haven't ever felt like this about someone before." He explained passionately. His eyes twinkled with a feeling you've never seen him express before and the vigor in his voice was astonishing. "She's amazing. From the first time I saw her I knew she was The One. Her eyes are like stars in the summer sky and her laugh is the sound of singing bells. Not only that, but she's also the gentlest person in our school that's always looking after others and is the top of all of her classes. She's perfect."

Your self-confidence took multiple blows as he complimented her and you lost your appetite. You began picking at your sandwich as he cooed about her on and on and pretended to nod along. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore and abruptly stood up and handed him the piece of chocolate cake you made the night before to share with him.

"I just remembered that I have to speak with Fujioka-sensei about my last test." You lied, faking a sheepish laugh. You tugged on your hair and tilted your head, smiling with your eyes closed. "I'll see you on the way home, Yoshi-kun."

Moriyama frowned. "I'm planning on confessing to Kida-chan afterschool then walking her home. I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan."

You could feel tears trying to force their way into your eyes and you shook your head. "It's fine, it's fine. Good luck!"

Not giving him another chance to break your heart even more, you darted down the stairs and into the girls' bathroom. You took a shaky breath and held onto the sink to where your knuckles turned white for support, letting some of your tears roll down your cheeks. Your heart hurt as much as it would if someone took a dagger and plunged it into you.

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