1. Hanamiya Makoto: The Spider's Web

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1.  Hanamiya Makoto: The Spider’s Web

{Detective AU}


Sixteen year-old female student, Ichijo Nagisa, was found dead October 27, in Tokyo, Japan. She was found in the serial killer’s signature trap: arms and legs tied by rope to a wall and a black widow’s bite on the neck. This is one of the many cases of ‘Venom’, a man who has killed over ten people within the last month.

Chief Aomine Daiki, head of Japan’s elite police squad, released new information on the killer. “He targets young women between the ages of fifteen and twenty. Women should take extra precaution at night and carry some sort of weapon or travel with another person.”

You threw the newspaper aside and pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to fight off your incoming headache. For the past month you’ve been on the case of ‘Venom’ and you were only a few clues away from discovering who he was. It was literally on the tip of your tongue, but every time you gained new evidence someone else was already dead.

The door to your office swung up and you met a darkened blue gaze with a glare. He walked up to you with his hands in his pockets and a small frown on his face. “(L/N), the scientists think they have the guy.”

“They thought they’ve had the guy four different times now, Aomine-san.” You retorted bitterly as you sat up straight. “Who is it this time?”

Aomine tossed a folder onto your desk and you opened it and your breath caught in your throat. The picture was of a pale man with longish black hair and even darker eyes. He smirked sarcastically as he glared at the camera and you felt your heartbeat thumping in your ears at the sight of him.

“Hanamiya Makoto, a world-class sadistic genius.” Aomine stated. He didn’t notice your stiffness and read off of a paper in his hands. “People called him aggressive because he doesn’t give one shit about hurting others. He has a clean record and goes to the University of Tokyo. Before that he went to Kirisaki Daiichi and I remember that my friends played against his nasty basketball team – wait, didn’t you go there?”

You cleared your throat and wiped the shocked look off of your face. “I did. He was in most of my classes in high school.”

“So you know also know that he’s a creepy douche that always said he had people in his webs. Out of all the suspects before, he fits the bill the most.” Aomine sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll leave this to you. Call me if you need anything.”

“Got it,” you muttered.

The moment he closed the door you punched your throw pillow and buried your face in it and let out a frustrated groan. Of course it was 99.9% that your ex-boyfriend was Venom. The more you thought about it the more it made sense that it was him.

But why? Why would he want to murder almost a dozen girls this month? It was terrifyingly ridiculous how good he was at doing so.

You shut the folder and slid it away from you so you didn’t have to see his stormy gaze. Your feelings couldn’t get in the way of your investigation. You were (L/N) (F/N); Japan’s number one successful female detective. There was nothing that would stop you from putting that man behind bars.

Or so you thought.


You walked into the café with an impassive face, catching the attention of various people. Your (H/C) hair was loosely curled and your hair was pinned back, showing the minimal amount of makeup you applied. You wore a brown long sleeve and matching boots with dark blue jeans and a cream sweater. Taking off your scarf, you let the heat sink into your chilled bones only to have you blood turn to ice as your (E/C) eyes met smoky brown.

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