I Havent Changed

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Riley - You and Maya. I kept my feelings to myself then.
Lucas - Riley. There's no need to bring that up.
Riley - I'm making a point.
Lucas - Whats the point?
Riley - I kept things to myself back then, and I still keep my feelings to myself now.
Lucas - No you don't Riley. You never used to.
Riley - I kept my TRUE feelings to myself!
I was so shocked that she said that out loud, that she yelled at me. It was silent. We took a minute to gather our thoughts and calm down
Lucas - you don't yell.
Riley - Well now I do.
Lucas - Why?
Riley - Because im not the same person I was 3 years ago. I've changed.
Lucas - Why tell me that you haven't changed, and then admit that you have? I don't get it Riley!
Riley - Why do you keep asking me these questions?
Lucas - I'm trying to understand you Riley.
Riley - I'm trying to understand myself Lucas.
Lucas - Sometimes you're just too much for me Riley.
Shit. Why did I say that out loud.
Riley - Freshman year all over again.
Lucas - No Riley I didn't mean it.
Riley - But you did Lucas. You said it, so you meant it.
Lucas - Riley.
I look at her. And she looks at me with the most saddest eyes I've ever seen on Riley.
Riley - This isn't working.
Lucas - What?
Riley - You're still upset about last Friday, at the party.
Lucas - Riley of course I am! How are we not supposed to talk about you hurting yourself! You need help!
Riley - Are you going to keep bringing this up?
Lucas - I'll stop once you get the help that you need.
Riley - You tell me that I'm not myself, that I've changed. Then you tell me that I'm too much for you, and now you're telling me that I need help?
Lucas - Are you listening to yourself Riley?
I was getting so aggravated with her. It's like I'm talking to a damn brick wall.
Riley - I don't need help because there is nothing wrong with me!
Lucas - I can't do this anymore Riley.
Riley - Me neither. Let's just forget all of this and just go back to the way things were before the party.
Lucas - No. Riley I mean I can't do this. With you
Riley - What do you mean?
I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. I can't believe I was doing this to her. I saw the hurt in her eyes.
Lucas - If you don't get help, I cant be friends with you. I can't keep seeing you do this to yourself!
I should've just stabbed her with a knife, that probably would have hurt less than what I said. She takes a deep breath in, closes her eyes for a second and opens them back up and looks at me.
Riley - I do not need help Lucas.
I didn't want to hear that. I wanted to hear "I'll get help, I don't want to loose you"
Lucas - Then I'll stop trying to help you Riley. I won't watch you destroy your life. Don't expect me to be at your funeral.
I walk away. I can NOT believe I said that to the girl I'm in love with. I fucked up. I fucked up reallllllllllly bad. I was heated, I was so mad at the fact that she just let our friendship go. Just like that. Why am I like this? Fuck

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