Senior Project, finally

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A couple of days have passed by. It's a new week, and it's time to return to school. I'm nervous. Real nervous. I'm scared to walk into those doors again. I left my house early today because I knew it would take a while for me to actually walk into those doors. I have nightmares, sometimes I day dream about the shooting. The weird thing about it is, I don't see Ronnies face. I just see people on the floor bleeding out, I see students running, I hear people screaming sometimes. Those are the ones where I wake up sweating and sometimes crying.
In other news, Today's the day. The day where we're supposed to present our senior project finally. It just all feels so scary and so weird because the actual day we were supposed to present, was the day where six people, six teenagers, people my age, were killed.
I didn't notice but I guess the bell rang. The only way I knew was because Zay grabbed my hand and lead me inside to our class. First and second period I still felt anxious, but I tried to concentrate on my school work. Then third period came and that's when it got to me. I walk into class and everyone was starring at me. Zay and Lucas come up from behind me and take me to my seat. The entire period I couldn't keep my eyes off of the door. I kept thinking that someone is going to come running in saying that there's a shooter in the school. It was the worst anxiety I have ever experienced. The day went by so slow but it was finally our last class, I can't wait to get this senior project presentation over with, I feel like we've been talking about it for ages. Everyone else presented their project, Zay, Lucas, Maya, Farkle, and I were the last group. My dad looks at us.
Cory - You guys ready?
I look over to Farkle, he looks at Maya, Maya looks at Zay, Zay looks at Lucas, who looks at me and nods his head. We get up in front of the class.
Maya - We started high school with eachother, we got into fights that lead to break ups. Not only relationship breakups, but friendship break ups. Things were said, things were done, but now we are ending our high school career with each other.
Farkle - Because that's what friends do. We fight, that doesn't mean we don't love eachother.
Zay - We fight because we love one another
Lucas - Because we don't want to see the people we love get hurt.
Riley - When we were forced to work with each other again, thank you dad, we weren't thrilled. Well Maya and I weren't. It's not that we hated each other, it's more like we couldn't look at each other without feeling... guilty.
Maya - We were hurt.
Farkle - We were all hurt.
Zay - By our actions.
Lucas - Or by the things that we didn't do.
Riley - since Maya and I weren't too happy with this groups, we kept making up excusing as to why we couldn't meet up with each other.
Farkle - Then things started to happen.
Lucas - Personal things.
Zay - As much as we hated to admit, we all needed each other.
Riley - And we were here for each other.
Farkle - We wanted to do something different for this project. Something meaningful to us.
Zay - So we ask for you to just listen. You don't have to like it, you don't have to understand it. Just listen.
Farkle puts in a flash drive. Our little "movie" starts playing...

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