Dog Sees God

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This has nothing to do with the story but I wanted to share my experience meeting Row and Corey since it is GMW related. On June 23rd, I attended Dog sees God in LA. I went because I wanted to see Corey act in a play, I also knew I was going to meet him. He was amazing, seriously. He's very tall, and vey cute. I talked to him a little and he asked for my name, which can I say I LOVE when celebrities ask for your name. I was standing in line, as there was a man in front of me. I'm guessing his children got out of the car and got in line. IT WAS CECI. I couldn't believe it. I kept looking at her and trying to see if it was her, I didn't want to ask if it was her because if it wasn't that would've been awkward. So she went in first and picked her seats and I decided to sit in the same row as her. I sat next to her and guess who walks in from the stage. Rowan fucking Blanchard. She sees Ceci, and they reunite and it was Beautiful. And also guess what. Rowan sat next to me. What the fuck. I was in complete awe. I tried so hard not to throw up. After the play was finished, I wanted to say hi to Rowan so badly but we were in a rush to get out of the "auditorium" plus she got bombarded with people asking for her picture when the lights came on. So I waited for her to come out, and she didn't. I was waiting and looking for her. I am such a big Rowan fan she's my soul mate so I was devastated when I didn't get a picture with her. I was beside Corey the entire time, I was waiting for him to stop being busy so I can talk to him. I waited a good thirty minutes before he finally saw me and was like "I'm so sorry I didn't know you wanted a picture" he's so sweet, he looked very tired I'm guessing from the endless work that he keeps doing, but he was still so sweet. I asked if he knew if Rowan was still here and he said I don't know. So I stayed For a while, meet the rest of the cast, which by the way, are amazing actors seriously. So when I finally got tired of waiting, and everyone was leaving I go get in my car and fart to drive away. I decide to drive pass the theater because I knew in my heart Rowan was still somewhere here. I passed by and there she was, with Ceci and Corey and I parked so quickly, and ran to Rowan. I was skipping and running and I felt so much joy. I gave her a hug and took a picture with her. I wasn't able to talk to her because she and Corey weee already leaving. I overheard them saying where they wanted to go, because they were talking about how they wanted to invite Ceci, but I couldn't tell what they said. So I left and I was so shocked. Never in a million years did I think I'd ever get to meet Rowan let alone be sitting next to her, doing my favorite thing, watching a play. It was magical.

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