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We were driving for a couple of hours now. It was silent. It was surprisingly not cold at night, so of course I rolled down me window. It was kind of relaxing driving at night. I mean I was tired and exhausted, but it was relaxing. I look over to Riley and she is sound asleep. I look at the time and it was about to be five am. The sun would be rising soon. It reminded me of a memory that I keep deep inside. I only ever think about it when I watch the sun rise.
Flashback to months before Farkles Party (Rileys POV)
I look over to the time, 3 am. I have to be up in 4 hours, and I cant sleep. I hear something outside. Sounded like someone was walking up and down the outside stairs. I brushed it off, people are always making noise. That was one of the many cons about living in apartments. I get my phone and text Maya.


No response. I hear a knock on my window. The only person who ever knocks on my window at 3 in the morning is Maya, but she usually texts me before she comes. At this point I'm under my covers. I knew it wasn't Maya, so I got kind of freaked out by it. The knock started to get louder, then my phone started to ring. It scared the shit out of me. It was a text from Lucas

Open the window

What? I get up from under my covers, I sit up, and look outside. Lucas was waving to me, signaling me to open the window and let him in. What the hell was he doing here? I get up, open the window and kneel down, while still inside my room.
Lucas - Why were you under the covers?
Riley - Because I got scared. I thought it was someone trying to break in.
Lucas - So hiding under the covers, where I can clearly see you, is the best thing to do. Wow, you wouldn't get murdered if you were in that situation.
Riley - Ha ha. What are you doing here?
Lucas - I couldn't sleep.
Riley - So you come walking to my house, in a freezing ass cold winter night.
Lucas - I didn't walk.
Riley - How'd you get here?
He puts his hand inside his pocket and pulls out a set of car keys.
Riley - You stole your dads car?
Lucas - What? No, he'd kill me if I took his Mercedes.
Riley - Than who's are those?
Lucas - mine
He says with a smile
Riley - Shut the fuck up
Lucas - It was an early birthday present from my dad.
Riley - Wow. Hey now we won't get to walk anywhere.
Lucas - Are you kidding me? In New York you can't get anywhere in a car. You'll get there faster by walking.
Riley - That is true.
Lucas - So, why are you awake?
Riley - I couldn't sleep either.
I look over to the time and it's 4:30 am. There was literally no point in going to sleep now. I wanted to invite Lucas in, but I didn't want my parents to hear. So I get up and climb out of my window. I sit down outside of my room and I signal Lucas to come sit next to me
Lucas - You do know it's -1 degrees out here?
Riley - I like the cold.
Lucas - Why cause it reminds you of you?
He laughs as he sits down beside me.
Riley - You got jokes don't you.

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