Hey Girl! (2)

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My jaw dropped at the question. "How can you not tell? I'm a girl!" I cross my arms as I roll my eyes.

"Relax dude. I meant no harm to your feminity, I just wanted to make sure. I have to have the right information in order to continue." Musha smiles softly which makes me calm down for some reason.

"Right. Sorry. Yes I am a girl." Musha nods and gives another, larger, smile.

"Okay the next and last question is semi personal but I need to know the answer so this can work," Musha pauses to see my reaction but I simply nod, "The next question is, what is your sexuality?"

My eyes widen as my jaw slightly dropped. 'What?!?!'

If you are a lesbian proceed to the chapter titled 'Girls. (Females)'

If you are a straight girl proceed to the chapter titled 'Boys. (Females)'

If you like both men and women (sorry if you are pan like me but just choose this one please) then proceed to the chapter titled 'Both. Both Is Good. (Females)'

If you are a person who prefers neither then proceed to the chapter titled 'None At All. (Females)'

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