Girls (3/Females)

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I blush and gulp down spit. I lean towards Musha as I whisper. "I-I like other girls." Musha nods and pets my head softly. They grab my hand and pull me out of the booth and out of the café doors.

When we get outside I stop walking and so does Musha. "Are you really okay with that?" Musha looks confused so I continue. "With me liking other girls, I mean."

Musha pulls a thinking face before laughing and confusing me. "Of course I'm okay with it. Honestly, I'm pan so I'm as much of a 'sinner' as you are!" Musha smiles as I stare in wonderment at their confident and carefree nature.

After fifteen minutes we arrive at a huge house. "Whoa."

Musha smiles at me and pulls me into their arms in a hug. "This is your new home cinnamon bun. All of your roommates are inside awaiting your arrival. If you could kindly look at me and hold out your hand." I do as told. Musha puts a key in my hand and snaps their fingers in my face.

I blink a few times to find myself standing alone. 'Wasn't I here with someone else?' I look around but find no one. I rub my eyes but decide to ignore the strange feeling.

I walk towards the house and open the door using the key. 'Here goes.'

Please proceed to the chapter titled 'Meet The Gang.'

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