Both. Both Is Good (3/Males)

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I run a hand through my hair as I spit out my answer. "Both. Both is good."

Musha starts laughing super hard. I look around, embarrassed, as I see everyone staring. Musha finally calms down and I ask them what the hell that was all about. "Sorry its just.... That's the exact name of this chapter! Hahahahaahah!" Musha takes a breath before standing up. They grab my wrist and pull me out of the café and into the public.

After fifteen minutes we arrive at a huge house. "Whoa."

Musha smiles at me and bends down on one knee. "This is your new home mi amigo. All of your roommates are inside awaiting your arrival. If you could kindly look at me and hold out your hand." I do as told. Musha puts a key in my hand and snaps their fingers in my face.

I blink a few times to find myself standing alone. 'Wasn't I here with someone else?' I look around but find no one. I rub my eyes but decide to ignore the strange feeling.

I walk towards the house and open the door using the key. 'Here goes.'

Please proceed to the chapter titled 'Meet The Gang.'  

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