Comfy Couch (7)

8 0 0

I choose to sleep on the couch.

Everyone understood my choice. I bid them all goodnight before heading towards the stairs. Sam/Alice called out and told me there were blankets and pillows in the linen closet upstairs. I grabbed one of each and headed down the stairs.

I tossed the pillow and blanket on the couch and made myself comfy. I pulled out my phone and looked at my background. It was a picture of me, mom, dad, and my younger siblings. I smiled at how happy we all were.

'I made it here in one piece guys. I know it's my first time away from home but I promise I'll be fine.' I put my phone down and looked out at the starry sky through the window. 'All the people here seem so nice. I'm sure we'll make many memories together.'

I turned over and closed my eyes. 'Here's to the first night of many.'

If you want to be with none of them (0/10) proceed to the chapter titled 'Drenched*.' (8/Females) (8/Males) (8/Neither)

If you want to be with all of them (10/10) proceed to the chapter titled 'Sunrise*.' (8/Females) (8/Males) (8/Neither)

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