Sage (7)

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We all leave Alice's room and I follow Sage a little further down the hall. She led me to a dark blue door with music notes drawn in black on it. She went in first and I followed after.

"Alright dude, you can share the bed with me. It's big enough for both of us." Which was entirely true. She had a queen sized bed with purple covers and something else.

"The big bad rocker chick has stuffed animals, huh?" On top of her bed laid at least ten stuffed animals. There were all kinds of creatures but there was one that stuck out. A black unicorn with its tongue sticking out sat by the main pillows.

Sage blushed and growled, "Yea! What of it?!?" She had an angry expression but her blush made it hard to take her seriously.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just really cute~." I smirked at her and she jumped in shock.

She ran to the light switch, "Just get in bed!" She flipped the switch and I giggled. I made my way over to the bed and sat down. Sage walked over to her dresser and dug through it. "I only have old clothes for pajamas so just deal with it alright?" It was dark but I could still see Sae. She held out a shirt and some baggy shorts. "Just. I'll turn around so we can both change." I took the clothes and changed.

We both laid in the bed, her on her back and me on my side facing away from her. I stared ahead, just thinking. "Ya know," I turned to face her, "I know I'm a rocker and all but I can have a soft side." After that, she turned around and went to sleep.

'Seems that Sage is more than she lets on.'

If you have not read all five chapters to sleep with the girls then please continue until you do.

If you have finished then proceed to the chapter titled 'Watch and Learn'.

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