Sunrise* (8/Males)

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I stretched with my eyes closed and suddenly felt myself falling. I hit the floor and groaned. 'I completely forgot I slept on the couch.' I grumbled before standing up. I cracked my back and made my way to the bathroom.

I rinsed my mouth out and sighed. I checked the clock, '7:17. I don't think anyone is up yet so why not cook breakfast.' I made my way to the kitchen.

"How about I make waffles?" I dug through the pantry and found twelve boxes of waffle mix. I laughed, "They must really like waffles." I poured the powder into a bowl just as I heard two pairs of footsteps I turned around and met the eyes of  Charles and April. "Morning guys!"

Both of them looked up at me. April yawned and gave me a sleepy wave. Charles looked bright and chipper as he said, "Good morning!" April turned on the coffee pot as I finished mixing the batter. "Ah, these might help." I turned around to see Charles holding four waffle makers.

I gently took them from him as our fingers briefly touched, "Thank you sunshine." 

Charles' face turned pink. "Sun...sunshine?" 

I giggled at his cuteness, "Yea, you just seem so bright and happy this morning." Charles mumbled under his breath and played with his fingers before heading off somewhere else. 'Cutie.'

"Well aren't you the charmer?" Another voice caught my attention. I turned and saw Sage, Jane, and Adrian. Sage smirked so I assumed she was the one who said it.

"How can I not when I'm surrounded by such beauties?" Jane smiled and Adrian hid his face.

"Uh, I think I'll go set the table." Adrian grabbed a bunch of dishes and scurried out of the room. I put another waffle onto the quickly growing stack. 

"How about I help?" Jane walked up beside me and started manning two of the waffle makers for me.

"I appreciate it dandelion." I winked at her and she looked at me funny. "What? You remind of a dandelion. When they turn all white and fluffy." I bumped her with my hip a little and I could see her face turning red. 'They are all so cute to tease. All of them are just adorable.' Jane and I finally flipped the last waffles onto the plates. Before I could grab two of the plates two hands were placed on either side of me trapping me between this person and the counter.

"Need some help with that?" Sam's deep morning voice sent shivers down my back. 

I turned around in his arms and put my hands on his shoulders. I leaned up and whispered, "Only if you think you can handle it." I kissed his cheek before moving his arm and getting out of his trap. I grabbed a plate and glanced at his very red face, he seemed frozen in place. I chuckled to myself and made my way to the dining room. 

Everyone was already seated and conversing when Jane, Sam, and I placed the waffles down on the table. "I hope you all enjoy!" I took a seat between Nicole and April. 

"Wow, didn't expect you to cook for us." Max smiled as he grabbed two waffles.

I grabbed my own and shrugged, "Well, when you live in a house full of people you're attracted to you tend to do what you can to get them all to fall for you." Everyone froze and they all had red blushes on their cheeks. I laughed, "I guess it worked?"

You got the harem ending!

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