Drenched* (8/Neither)

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"Hey." I felt someone nudge my arm.

"Hey." A little harder this time. I groaned and snuggled into the covers.

"Hey!" The covers were ripped off of me and the chill of the room immediately woke me up.

I groaned and turned to the villain who stripped me of my warmth. Jane stood behind the couch with my blanket in her hand. "Come on! Everyone's waiting on you."

I turned my head a little and looked at her strangely. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was four in the morning? "What could you have possibly woken me up for?"

She put a finger to her lips, "Listen." I stopped for a second and just listened. 

I heard the rain pouring outside, "It's raining?" 

Jane's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yes! And you are going to join us buddy!" She latched onto my arm and dragged me off the couch. Before I could protest we were already out the door.

It was still dark outside but I could hear the cheers of everyone outside. Jane joined them on the front lawn while I stood on the porch. Next to me were piles of towels and blankets for when they finished. 'Are these dorks seriously playing in the rain like children?' Sam just sat on the ground with his face pointed towards the sky. Max had his camera out as he tried to snap photos of the lightning and of our friends. Even Sage and Nick were out here. 'What a bunch of little kids.' Despite me thinking them childish, I couldn't help the little grin that grew on my face. 

Charles walked up to the porch and smiled when he saw me. He reached a hand out towards me, "Care to join us, friend?"

I looked at his hand for a while before I couldn't control my smile and it burst onto my face. "Definitely, friend."

You got the friendship ending!

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