Watch and Learn (9)

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I stretched and snuggle into the covers before opening my eyes. The sun was peaking through the curtains leaving streaks in the room. I got up from her bed and sighed. 'Time to get ready.'

I brushed my hair with my fingers as I made my way to the living room. The girls were standing over by the cabinet next to the TV and the boys were nowhere to be seen. "Morning!" I smiled and made my way over to the couch.

"Morning nerd." Sage grabbed a movie and sat on the floor. Everyone else grabbed a movie and stood by the coffee table.

"Thanks for letting me sleep, I was burned out." I looked at Sage/April/Alice/Nicole/Jane and smiled. She blushed and nodded.

"Where'd the boys go?" I got comfy on the couch and wrapped a nearby blanket around my shoulders. 

April sat on the table and spoke, "Oh, they said they needed a boys day. They'll probably be gone for most of the day." The other girls nodded and got comfortable in spots around the room but not on the couch?

"Uh, guys? What's wrong with the couch? Or is it me?"I must have had a worried look on my face seeing as Jane and Nicole quickly held one of my hands.

"Nothing like that! It's just...well it depends on what movie you pick where we all sit."

I tilted my head slightly, "Uh okay? So what movies did you guys pick?"

Everyone put their movie onto the coffee table and stood in front of the TV. "We all like Director Musha since their films are always so diverse and intriguing but we all picked different genres," April explained to me.

I nodded my head and looked towards the movies. 'That name sounds familiar.' I scanned the movies and saw Romance, Comedy, Horror, Drama, and Action. And in every single film the main character was named Y/n. 'Neat.'  I picked up the action on first. 'Trust Fund.'

"Oh that's mine," April raised her hand and smiled at me. 

I nodded and picked up romance, 'The Solid Gold Heart.'

"Don't you just love a good romance?" Nicole clasped her hands together and sighed sweetly.

I reached towards the drama. 'The Soul And The Souless. Interesting title'

Alice laughed, "I always loved some good gossip!"

Next I picked up the horror. 'What Isn't Dead Shall Rise Again.' Sage gave an evil laugh which told me that was her pick

And last but not least I grabbed the comedy. 'Is It Me Or Is It Us.' Jane giggles telling me that this one was hers.

"Huh, who knew one director could be so diverse?" I looked over my choices

"So, who do you chose?"

If you want to end up with Sage proceed to the chapter titled Horror

(10/Female) (10/Males) (10/Neither)

If you want to end up with Nicole proceed to the chapter titled Romance

(10/Female) (10/Males) (10/Neither)

If you want to end up with Jane proceed to the chapter titled Comedy

(10/Female) (10/Males) (10/Neither)

If you want to end up with April proceed to the chapter titled Action

 (10/Female) (10/Males) (10/Neither)

If you want to end up with Alice proceed to the chapter titled Drama

(10/Female) (10/Males) (10/Neither)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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