Make it Pink (6)

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Red stripe: Alice Wonder
Yellow stripe: April Tawny
Orange stripe: Jane Kemp
Blue stripe: Sage Hoover
Purple stripe: Nicole Ariety


Jane chuckles and Sam groans. "Jane always takes the newbies away from everyone else." Jane glares at him and she helps me to my feet.

She holds my hand as she leads me to the base of the stairs. "Or maybe everyone knows about your......pets." Sam seemed to blush light pink but he 'tch's and turns his head. Jane chuckles before walking up the stairs and everyone else follows. "Let's go peeps!"

Jane had decided that me and the girl's would hang out in Alice's room. Her room had fairy lights around the top of the wall with ombre red to yellow walls. Her bed had crispy white sheets and black pillows. The left wall had a large bookcase and a TV. Jane ushered everyone on the floor where there was a small table and pillow cushions. Sage smirked and leaned her arm on the table. "So, what are ya in for?" 

I looked confused and Nicole hit Sage's arm. Sage playfully glared at her and Nicole cleared her throat. "What she means is , what made you move out here? I mean, we are kind of in the middle of no where."

Everyone leaned in closer and I sweat dropped. I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed, "Well, I originally came out here to go to my dream college but I also moved out here to get away from people and to get away from doing the same things every day all day."

"Really? What's it like there?" Nicole questioned.

"It's mostly open fields and hills. It was always the most beautiful in the spring when the flowers would grow back. My parents had a small farm that they kept. We mostly only made food for ourselves but if anyone asked we'd share." I smiled when thinking about my parents. "Why don't you guys tell me something about yourselves? You all seem a lot more interesting than the guys." I smiled and hugged a pillow in my lap.

Jane spoke up first, "Well I'm mostly the party girl but that doesn't mean I don't know when to calm down and get serious. I'm the one to go to if you need cheering up and don't want to talk about it." I nodded.

"Oh my. Uh I suppose I'm just the local bookworm. I spend most of my time reading but I'm a really good listener and I've been told that I give great advice. If you ever want peace and quiet just come find me!"Nicole spoke softly. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Sage smirked, "I'm not a fan of the gushy stuff, I'm a rocker who lovers her tunes. If you ever want to jam out you can come find me in the basement." She did the rocker sign with her pinkie, pointer, ad thumb sticking out. 

"She acts all tough but she does have a soft side," Jane giggles. Sage 'hmph's and turns away with a tiny blush on her cheeks.

Alice chimes in next, "I guess I'd be the goofy childish one. I like to explore stuff and live life to the fullest. I'm normally playing games, playing pranks, or just having an all-around good time!" She stuck her tongue out and I chuckled.

April was the last to go. "I suppose I'm the mom of the group. I take care of everyone and try to keep a little sanity in the house. I'm probably the best one to go to when you're feeling down and want some help or just to vent." April gave a sweet smile that gave off motherly vibes.

I smiled at all of them and then yawned. "Seems like you're finally tired?" I nodded at Jane's remark. "Your room won't be ready for another five days and I'm sure the boys have hunkered down already so you can't go over there. Well you can either bunk with a different one of us for each day or you can sleep on the couch for five days. What do you think?"

If you would like to sleep in the girls' rooms proceed to read the chapters titled 'Sage', 'Jane', 'Alice', 'April', and 'Nicole' in which ever order as long as you read all of them.

If you choose to sleep on the couch then head to the chapter titled 'Comfy Couch.'

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