Nick (7)

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Nick wordlessly pulled me out of Max' room and lead me to his own. Nick's door was a dark blue with white stars scattered about.

Nick walked to his closet and gave me my backpack. "I won't look. You can change." He turned around as I searched in my bag.

"I'm done." Nick turned around and avoided eye contact.

"You can take my bed, I'll sleep in the armchair." I didn't want to argue with him so I just nodded.

Nick walked over to his tv and turned it on. "I'm not exactly tired so," he leaned over and picked up a controller, "you wanna play something," Nick asked shyly.

I walked over and took the controller out of his hand. "You're on!"

"I win." Nick held a gloating tone.

I slumped my shoulders before laughing and reaching out a hand. "Good game, lad." He shook my hand and we played another round.

"I know I'm very shy but I try my best in the little things I do. People don't expect much out of me because I don't stand out. Even if it isn't 100% it is still the best I can do for now." Nick smiled as he played with me.

'Trying your best no matter what.'

If you have not read all five chapters to sleep with the guys then please continue until you do.

If you have finished then proceed to the chapter titled 'Like A Carousel'.

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