Sunrise* (8/Neither)

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I sat up quick from the dream I had

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I sat up quick from the dream I had. It was just barely turning bright out as I looked around. I grabbed my phone and after being blinded by the brightness I saw that it was 6:30. "Huh, guess I'm still a morning person." The whole house was quiet. I got up and folded my blanket. I stretched before getting ready for the day.

I left the bathroom and checked the time again. 'Just now seven. Maybe I can make them breakfast or something?' I was about to agree with myself until I remembered that me and cooking don't get along. 'I almost burned the house down on way too many occasions.' I look at my phone and think. 'What else can I--' My phone dinged cutting my train of thought off. It was a notification from my McDonald's app. "Oh."

After an hour I finally made it back to the house. "I hate waiting in lines." I struggled towards the door as I held ten drinks and multiple bags of food. 'I don't even know how I'm balancing this.' I got to the door and quickly realized I couldn't open it. Me being as smart (dumb) as I am, I used my head to bang on the door.

"Coming!" Jane's voice responded and I sighed in relief. She opened the door and smiled. "How can I--Oh! What are you doing out there?" I gestured towards all the stuff I'm carrying and she giggled. "Right. Let me help you with that. Sage!" Jane took a few of the bags as Sage ran up behind her.

"Yea? What's---Oh sweet!" Sage grabbed some of the drinks and we all walked inside the house.

I kicked my shoes off and followed them to the living room. I sighed heavily, "Sorry it took me so long to come back. The line was crazy long."

Jane turned to me and smiled, "You didn't have to do it in the first place but thanks for that."

We got to the living room to see everyone on the couch arguing. "I cooked last Sunday! It's definitely not my turn!" Max crossed his arms and glared at the rest of them.

"Well I washed dishes yesterday so I've done my chore." Alice spoke firmly and leaned back into the couch.

Adrian laughed and pointed at her, "No one told you to wash, besides we have a dishwasher for a reason!" Alice glared at him while he smirked in triumph.

Everyone was yelling back and forth. I laughed which caught everyone's attention. I froze for a second before clearing my throat, "Um, no one has to cook. I...I brought breakfast for everyone." I smiled and blushed a little.

Sage walked up from before me and placed what she was holding down onto a table. She walked back to me and kissed my cheek, "Thanks for that little drummer." Sage grabbed what she wanted and headed towards the basement.

Nick and Sam stood up next. Nick took the remaining things from my hands and kissed my forehead. "Yea I appreciate it. Especially since it was my turn to cook." He laughed as he grabbed his things and went upstairs. Everyone else looked at each other before also grabbing some food. My face was burning from the attention. 'I can't believe they like me back.'

After all the food was distributed, Adrian walked up to me with a bag and a coffee. "Here, I held some for you."

"Oh, thanks I---" Adrian leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I froze and began stuttering.

Nicole stood up and huffed, "No fair! The rest of us didn't get to show our appreciation."

Everyone else smiled as I could only guess how they would give me thanks. All I could think was, 'Oh dear.'

You got the harem ending!

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