Make it Blue (6)

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Red stripe: Adrian Vohs
Yellow stripe: Nick Danin
Orange stripe: Max Flight
Blue stripe: Sam Hoff
Purple stripe: Charles Paine


Adrian jumped up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Ha! We get the cool kid!" Jane growled at him but April pulled her back before she could do anything.

The girls began to walk away and April turned around, "Goodnight you guys. Try not to freak out the newbie too much." She winked at me and they disappeared upstairs.

Adrian smiled down at me, "Ready to go?" I nodded and we also went upstairs.

Adrian decided that we would all hang out in Max' room. The walls were covered in photographs that I assume were taken by him. There was an easel in the corner of the room across form his messy bed. The walls were a cool green color. In the middle of the room was a nice soft rug. We all sat down.

"So what's it like to be on your own now?" Sam asked. Everyone turned to me and I sighed.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, "Well it's a little scary but I think I'm ready for it. For all of my life all I can remember is being on my parents' farm with my younger siblings. It was always us against the world. I've only ever traveled with them so this is new to me. Of course they taught me all they could but I've always had them right next to me so I'm a little nervous, ya know?"  Charles gently pat my arm and I smiled at him. "How about you guys? Why not give me a crash course on your personalities?"

Charles went first, "I'm the gentleman in this group of barbarians. I'm normally found in the gardens or in the kitchen. I've been told that I hold very interesting and deep conversations. If you ever need a nice home cooked meal, I'm your guy." Charles gave a thumbs up.

Adrian rolled his eyes, "I swear he isn't as boring as he sounds," Charles punched his arm. "Anyway, I suppose I'm the jock. I'm normally playing sports and rough housing with some friends. I'm not just a meat head though, I can pretty smart when I want to. If you want to work on exercising I'm your guy!" Adrian flexed and I laughed.

"I'm pretty boring compared to everyone else." Nick shrugged. "I'm normally in my room playing video games. I don't mind going out but I'm pretty shy and nervous so I get drained very quickly. If you ever want to chill out and play some video games just knock on my door." Nick spoke softly, showing his shy side.

Max chimed in next, "Sup! I mostly spend my time taking pictures and drawing something. I drink a lot of coffee so I'm normally wide awake at any time of day. If you want to do some creative stuff like paint, model, or enjoy nature then I'm your guy."

Sam was the last one to speak, "Uh, I'm pretty lazy so I'm normally found in my room sleeping. Most people come to me when they need back up for a fight or something because I swing first and ask questions later. I guess I could be considered a bad boy but it's mostly because I do what I want." Sam nodded at me and I nodded back.

I yawned and felt my eyes droop down. "Tired?" Charles asked and I nodded while rubbing my eye. "Well I think the girls are already asleep. Your room won't be ready for five days so you have two options," He held up two fingers. "You can trade off and sleep in one of our rooms for every night or you can just sleep on the downstairs couch. Your choice."

If you would like to sleep in the guys' rooms proceed to read the chapters titled 'Max', 'Adrian', 'Sam', 'Charles', and 'Nick', in which ever order as long as you read all of them.

If you choose to sleep on the couch then head to the chapter titled 'Comfy Couch.'

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