Sunrise* (8/Females)

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The sun peeked through the curtains and found its way to my eyes. I groaned and got up as quietly as possible, to avoid waking anyone up. I found my way to the bathroom and quickly, changed clothes. 'Time to start the day.'

I sighed in relief and stretched my back. I made my way to the kitchen with a smile on my face. 'Everyone here is so interesting and nice. I don't think I'd ever choose a favorite. I know mom was worried about me but I don't think she needs to be. These are good people and I know I'll be happy here.'

I stepped into the kitchen and decided to get to work.

I stirred the pan of eggs when I heard the first two sets of steps coming from upstairs. "What is that heavenly smell?" Charles hummed happily as he passed through the threshold. I smiled to myself when I saw his wild bed head.

Sage walked next to me and leaned against the counter. "Wow, dude. What made you cook for our rag tag team?" She smirked and looked into the pan.

"Well, rock-star, I thought I'd treat all of you to a lovely breakfast." I winked at her and she blushed slightly before walking away. I giggled and quickly plated the eggs since they were done. I grabbed the pancake mix and started on those. 'One down.'

Another pair of footsteps reached the bottom floor. "Whoever left their underwear on the stairs is asking for a beating!" Adrian cringed as he pushed them off the banister.

Someone answered him from upstairs, "Aren't they yours?" Adrian squinted at the pair of underwear before, sadly, realizing that they were indeed his. 

Adrian slumped into the kitchen and I spoke, "If it means anything, I'm sure you looked hot in them." Adrian chuckled and I could see him blush before taking the plate of eggs to the dining table.

Max and Jane came down the stairs together. Jane smiled at me and Max waved. "Seems you're up early," Max joked as he started to make coffee for those who wanted it.

"I simply couldn't miss seeing your cute face so early." Max froze with a blush on his face before turning his complete attention to the coffee. 'Bulls-eye.'

Jane giggled an began to tease him. "Aww, is little Maxxie blushing?" 

I smiled, "Gosh, I bet it's hard for you to always be this adorable Jane?" 

Jane immediately blushed and I turned back to the pancakes. 

Jane quickly grabbed a stack of plates, "I-I'll set the uh....table!" She dashed out of the kitchen with Max closely on her heels with a bunch of cups in his arms.

Alice, Nicole, and Nick were the next to enter. Alice waved tiredly before grabbing the coffee pot and leaving towards the dining room. Nick opened the fridge and grabbed apple and orange juice, "Morning." Nick softly spoke and rubbed his eyes.

I flipped the last pancake onto the stack and ran my fingers gently through his hair. "Good morning." He blushed with a tiny smile and made his way to dining room.

"I'll help you cutie~." Nicole winked and grabbed the plate of pancakes before making her way to the dining room. 

I blushed and put a hand on my cheek. 'Feisty, I like.' I quickly clean my hands and then make my way to the dining room.

Everyone was seated at the table. Adrian, Alice, April, Sam, and Sage were sitting on the left side of the table. April and Alice were arguing with each other about makeup while Sam was barely keeping his eyes open. On the left side sat Nick, Charles, Jane, Max and Nicole. Nicole and Sage were arm wrestling across the table. Max had earbuds in as he bobbed his head to the beat. Charles say patiently as he placed his napkin in his lap. I approached the table and walked to the last chair at the head of the table. When I pulled my chair back everyone focused on me.

I giggled before taking my seat. "I thought it'd be nice to thank you all with some breakfast this morning so dig in." 

Charles smiled, "You'd make a wonderful wife. You're very caring, nice, sweet....uh?" 

Charles looked shocked when he noticed everyone looking at him. Sage bursts with laughter and sighs, "I think you took the words right out of our mouths." Sage turns to me with a wide smile, "I think everyone's too scared to say it but, I know I'm not alone when I say we all think you're a keeper and we want to keep you for ourselves."

I blushed hard and played with my thumbs. "Oh boy."

You got the harem ending!

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