Never Have I Ever... (5/Males)

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Everyone looked at me, waiting peacefully for my answer, making me flinch slightly. "Um. How about we play....."

"How about never have I ever?" I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

Nick smiled and 'hmmph'ed at Sage while Sage stuck her tongue out at him. I stood up and patted Sage's shoulder. "Sorry but I've never played never have I ever before."

She slightly smirked and nodded at me. "Oh you'll have fun then."

Nick clapped twice and got everyone's attention. "Let's do this guys!" Nick took off in a flash and everyone followed his lead. My eyes tried to keep up with them but I simply couldn't.

After mere minutes, the living room was completely changed. The lights were dimmed but not shut off. The couch was pushed far away and replaced with a bunch of blankets and pillows.

All of them except Nick, who was still doing something, were sitting down in a circle like before. My seat was at one end in between April and Max while Sam and Jane were sitting next to each other at the other end.

I quickly grabbed two pops and took my seat. Nick came back in the room and gave everyone a different color marker.

I got black. April got red. Nicole had blue and Alice had purple. Sage had green and Jane had yellow. Max got orange. Nick gave himself grey. Charles had pink and Adrian had light blue. Lastly, Sam had a white marker. 'They make white markers?'

Nick took his seat between Max and Charles. "Okay. If someone says something that you have done that person gets to draw one thing on your face with their marker. We will go around the circle. Okay?" We all nodded and Nick smirked.

April spoke first, "Never have I ever.....went skinny dipping." Nick groaned. Sage, Nick, Adrian, Max, Nicole, and I raised our hands. 

Charles gasped, "You naughty children."

I laughed, "I can always do it again if you wanted to see Charles." I smiled at Charles and his face blew up in red. Sage high-fived me as everyone else laughed. April got up and drew on our faces.

"I'll go next," I spoke. "Never have I ever....dined and dashed." I crossed my arms as April and Adrian were the only ones to raise their hands. I shook my heads and stood up "I'm so ashamed of you kids."

Adrian snorted, "Yea yea dad." I drew on their faces and sat back down.

"Never have I ever....used someone else's toothbrush." I cringed at Max' statement.

Nicole, Nick, and April raised their hands. "That's just nasty." I grimaced.

Max stood up and collected his debt. Sam went next, "Never have I ever....peed in a pool." Everyone groaned and raised their hands, including me.

"So unfair, how have you not?" Alice whined.

"I don't go to pools." Sam shrugged before standing up and tagging all of us.

Nicole stood up, "Well I think we should wrap it up. Let's clean this up guys." Nicole looked over to me. "You can hit the bathroom first to clean your face." I nodded and made my way over there.

I ended the game with only two drawings on my face. One said 'kiss me', while the other was a ladybug. I made my way back to the living room to see it spic and span again.

Nick spoke to me, "Since it's bedtime now we normally split into boys and girls and just hang out together. Who do you want to chill with?"


If you want to hang out with the girls for an hour then head to the chapter called 'Make It Pink.'

If you want to hang out with the guys for an hour then head to 'Make it Blue.'

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