Truth Or Dare (5/Neither)

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Everyone looked at me, waiting peacefully for my answer, making me flinch slightly. "Um. How about we play....."

"How about truth or dare?" I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

Sage fist pumped the air while Nick pouted with his arms crossed. I stood up and patted Nick's shoulder. "Sorry buddy." He slightly smirked and nodded at me.

Sage rubbed her hands together mischievously. "Set up time crew!" Sage clapped and everyone shot up from their seats and buzzed around. My eyes tried to keep up with them but I simply couldn't.

After mere minutes, the living room was completely changed. The lights were dimmed but not shut off. The couch was pushed far away and replaced with a bunch of blankets and pillows. All of them were sitting down in a circle like before with my seat in between April and Max.

I quickly grabbed two pops and took my seat. Sage smirked and pulled out a pencil from her hair. 'How?'

She tossed it in the middle and spoke, "If the eraser points to you, you have to ask truth or dare to whoever the lead part is pointing to. Got it?" We all nodded and she spun the pencil in the middle.

The lead landed on me and the eraser landed on Sage. Sage grinned, "Truth or Dare, newbie?"

I smirked, "Dare, rock star." 

Charles gasped "Go easy on them, Sage." Sage waved a dismissive hand. She got up and walked towards the bathroom.

She came back after five minutes with four rolls of toilet paper. "I dare you to let me wrap you up like a mummy until the end of the game." She smirked as if to say 'Gotcha'. 

I stood up and spread my arms out wide. "Deal."

After thirty minutes and six rolls of toilet paper, I was completely wrapped from head to toe. The only exposed part of me were my eyes and nose. I sat down as gently as I could so I didn't rip the tissue. Sage grinned, proud of her work. April pointed at her, "You're buying more when we run out." Sage only shrugged as Nick reached over and they high-fived.

Jane reached out and spun the pencil. The next lead victim was Sage and the eraser picked Max. "Finally, I get to play. Don't even ask me, I choose dare." Sage stuck her tongue out.

"I dare you to sing with a mouthful of water. The song is my choice." Max seemed pleased with himself. 

Sage jumped up and ran to the kitchen. Max plugged his phone up to the speaker and chose a song. As soon as Sage walked back in Max pressed play. The song just so happened to be Let It G*. Sage glared at him but got ready nonetheless.

By the end of her performance the floor and her clothes were soaked in spitty water. Adrian, Nick, April, Jane and I clapped while Charles used towels to try and soak up the water. I reached over and spun the pencil next. 

 The eraser chose April and the lead chose Charles. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth, please."

April smiled, "What's the longest you've gone without sleep?"

Charles gasped, "I always sleep at a perfect time to make sure I awake bright and early." Charles beamed with bride.

Nick snorted, "What about the time you almost passed out because you stayed up for four days trying to beat Cooking With Mama on the Wii?" The whole group snorted as Charles blushed out of embarrassment. 

"I'll have you know that game is very therapeutic." Charles tried to justify himself but it only made everyone laugh harder.

Once we all calmed down Max stood up. "Alright, I think we should all head up stairs." Everyone got up and began to clean. Max looked at me and smiled, "Once we all decide to sleep the guys and girls split to the different designated wings. Who do you want to hang with until we all sleep?"

If you want to hang out with the girls for an hour then head to the chapter called 'Make It Pink.'

If you want to hang out with the guys for an hour then head to 'Make it Blue.'

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