April (7)

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April happily pulled me out of Alice's room and straight to her own. There was no door to her room, only a thick black curtain.

I walked inside. "I'll go and get your bag so you can get comfy." She took off, leaving me alone.

Her room had a purple theme with splashes of white here and there. The only light source was five lava lamps she had scattered around the room. 'Haha, groovy.' The windows were covered by the same thick black curtain as the door.

I walked towards the middle of her room and noticed a pile of books by her daybed. I looked closer to read the titles. "Basic Witchcraft. Easy Home Remedies For Witches. Black Magic. Tarot Cards Manuel. Huh, spooky."

"Yea I'm a bit of a weirdo." I turned around to see April in the room holding my bag.

I shook my head, "Nah it's not weird. I'd say it's rather interesting. I've never met a real-life witch before." I smiled at her and took my bag from her.

She froze for a moment and then smiled really wide, "You mean it?!? You don't think I'm creepy or satanic?"

I snorted and then set my bag down, "Well you aren't an evil witch, are you? I would like to wake up curse-free if you don't mind."

We both shared a laugh before she hugged me. I blushed a little and looked down at her. "Thanks," she smiled, "It's hard trying to be myself sometimes. People are just so judgy but I'm glad to know that.....that you're one of the good humans."

'Outcast from society. Society is the problem, not you.'

If you have not read all five chapters to sleep with the girls then please continue until you do.

If you have finished then proceed to the chapter titled 'Watch and Learn'.

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