Adrian (7)

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"Goodnight!" Adrian pulled me out of the room and towards his room. His door was plain white. We both walked in.

"So I kinda sleep on a couch so you can have the bean bag chair?" Adrian looked unsure but I could tell he was trying. The room was covered in sports memorabilia and trophies. In one corner of the room was definitely just a bed and in front of the tv was the huge bean bag chair.

I turned when I heard Adrian digging through drawers. He pulled out a huge shirt and smaller shorts, "This is all I can offer but it should fit. I'll turn around for you." I took the clothes and he turned around.

The shirt was huge on me, hiding the shorts completely. "I feel like a child but thank you." He laughed at me and I just blushed. Adrian walked over to the couch and started throwing clothes off of it. I walked over to the bean bag and pulled it towards the middle of the room. I sighed but looked intrigued when I saw something pink on top of the chair. I picked it up and smirked, "So the baller also likes ballet?"

Adrian jumped and turned around. In my hand were pink tights and a short tutu. Adrian quickly snatched them from me and hid them behind his back. "It is perfectly normal for a guy to do ballet!"

Adrian was flustered nut he looked so cute. "Chill man, I know. Keeps the bottom flexible and in shape. I took a few classes myself." I waved him off and picked up a blanket from the floor.

I turned when I felt a hand on my shoulder, "You don't think that's weird or feminine?"

I smiled and put a hand in his hair. "Of course not dude. It's really hard to do ballet. You've gotta be tough."

We both laid in our sleeping spots, staring at the ceiling. "You know," I turned to Adrian, "it's hard to be a jock. People expect me to be strong, silent, and stupid but....I'm so much more than that. I'm a friendly guy and I may not be a genius but I'm pretty damn smart." He pulled his blanket up and went to sleep.

'So the hard jock has a soft core.'

If you have not read all five chapters to sleep with the guys then please continue until you do.

If you have finished then proceed to the chapter titled 'Like A Carousel'.

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