Truth Or Dare (5/Males)

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Everyone looked at me, waiting peacefully for my answer, making me flinch slightly. "Um. How about we play....."

"How about truth or dare?" I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

Sage fist pumped the air while Nick pouted with his arms crossed. I stood up and patted Nick's shoulder. "Sorry buddy." He slightly smirked and nodded at me.

Sage rubbed her hands together mischievously. "Set up time crew!" Sage clapped and everyone shot up from their seats and buzzed around. My eyes tried to keep up with them but I simply couldn't.

After mere minutes, the living room was completely changed. The lights were dimmed but not shut off. The couch was pushed far away and replaced with a bunch of blankets and pillows. All of them were sitting down in a circle like before with my seat in between April and Max.

I quickly grabbed two pops and took my seat. Sage smirked and pulled out a pencil from her hair. 'How?'

She tossed it in the middle and spoke, "If the eraser points to you, you have to ask truth or dare to whoever the lead part is pointing to. Got it?" We all nodded and she spun the pencil in the middle.

The pencil landed with Alice getting the lead end and Nicole getting the eraser end. Nicole put a thoughtful hand under her chin as she thought. "Oh great, Miss sweetie-pie gives the best truths and dares," Sage sneered and rolled her eyes.

Nicole squinted her eyes at Sage, "Fine. Truth or Dare?"

Alice looked nervous, "Dare?"

Sage squinted at Nicole, "Well? What does she have to do? Do jumping jacks? Smile for ten seconds? Tell a joke?" 

Nicole had steam rolling off of her she was so angry, "I DARE YOU TO LICK THE THIGH OF THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU!" Nicole growled as her voice got louder. Everyone jumped back in surprise. 

'I guess she's notorious for being the overly nice one. Too bad for them, they never learned that those are the people you shouldn't mess with.' I smirked to myself. Alice looked to her left, there sat Adrian, and to her right, there sat Jane. Alice looked back and forth between the two before groaning. 

"Adrian, pull your shorts up." Adrian did a spit take of his drink and looked at like she was crazy. When Adrian saw the intense look in her eyes he swiftly pulled up his black shorts and looked away. The room felt thick with tension. Alice slapped herself before bending over and licking Adrian's thigh from top to bottom. I internally cringed and gagged. Jane and Nicole covered each other's eyes and Nicole looked ready to vomit. Both sage and Nick cheered and hollered. Charles looked queasy   as he swayed back and forth. Alice began to spit and rinse her mouth out with the nearest liquid which was, luckily, water. Adrian quickly jumped up and ran to the nearest bathroom to, I guess, scrub his leg clean.

Max quickly reached towards the pencil and spun it as the rest of the group recovered. The lead chose max and the eraser chose Charles. Charles looked up happily and clasped his hands together. "Truth or Dare?"

Max shrugged his shoulders. "Truth."

Charles looked up for a moment, "What super power do you want most?" I smiled at Charles and Sage groaned.

"Easy, teleportation." Max smiled and held up a peace sign "Go anywhere for free and makes a quick getaway."

Sage groaned, "You're so lucky you are you Charles." 

Charles looked confused at that but didn't question her. "Thanks?"

After successfully getting the hair out of her mouth, Alice silently reached over and spun the pencil. The lead pointed to April while the eraser pointed to Nick. Nick smiled, "Truth or Dare, sugar plum?" 

April smiled and chugged some of her drink, "Dare!" Nick smiled happily. He tugged Sam towards him and they started whispering. 

After about a minute Nick nodded, "I dare you to let me and Sam choose five random sauces or condiments, put them in a cup of water, and you have to drink it." April gagged and shuddered before nodding. Sage reached over high-fived Nick as he and Sam walked towards the kitchen. 

After five minutes of shuffling and clinking, the boys finally come back. They put the drink in a glass cup and I wish they hadn't. The mixture was a sickly yellow with green chunks in it. I think the whole room gagged in sequence except for Sage who laughed manically. April gently took the cup with a look of horror on her face. "What the hell did you put in this?It doesn't even look like you used water..." There were visibly fumes coming off the cup.

Nick smiled but it held murder, "We used hot sauce, relish, mustard, horse radish, and the topper," Sam did a drum roll, "Chocolate syrup!" Charles passed out at the description and I couldn't blame him.

"You guys are evil..." I shuddered.

Sage smiled, " guys are geniuses!" 

Without preparation, April took a huge sip. Her body shuddered and I swear I saw her soul leave her body. She gently set the cup down before passing out. I gasped and Jane quickly got up and grabbed her. "You guys are awful!" Jane quickly dragged April upstairs and stayed up there with her. 

The room went quiet before Charles spoke up, "I suppose that's enough excitement for one night. How about the males head to our wing and the females head to their wing?" Everyone began to get up and put stuff away. Charles looked over to me, "Who would you like to stay with until we sleep?"

If you want to hang out with the girls for an hour then head to the chapter called 'Make It Pink.'

If you want to hang out with the guys for an hour then head to 'Make it Blue.'

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