Jane (7)

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"Goodnight Alice." I was the last one to bid goodnight before everyone left the room. I followed Jane to her room. The door to her room was plain white with gold stars everywhere. She opened the door and let me enter first.

The theme of her room screamed winter wonderland. There were blues and whites everywhere. Jane opened a closet and pulled out two blankets. "My bed is a hammock and I don't think that would be very comfortable for two people to sleep in so," She kneeled on the ground and began to set up a spot for me on the floor.

"Oh!" I looked at Jane after she finished changing into her pajamas. "I'll go get your bag so you can change to, be right back." Jane left and my eyes quickly scanned the room. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. Her vanity mirror was covered in pictures of everyone and a few people I don't know. I stood up and walked over to the closet.

'This may be snooping buuuuut.' I pulled one of the doors open and looked inside. 'Huh, just a normal clos--. Hold on.' In the bottom of her closet was a little chest that was cracked open. I peered inside and got a glimpse of something green before I heard footsteps.

I quickly closed the door and jumped back a little. The door opened and she came inside. "Sorry, it took so long. For some reason Charles put it in the kitchen pantry," she shook her head. "Anyway here ya go!"

I laid down in my covers as Jane hopped into her hammock. The room was dark for only a moment before Jane flipped a switch near her bed and turned on the icicle lights around her room, adding a soft glow. "Ya wanna know something? I've always wanted to just float off into the clouds and live among the stars. There I would be truly free." She sighed before going to sleep.

'She just wants to be free. I guess that's everybody one way or another.'

If you have not read all five chapters to sleep with the girls then please continue until you do.

If you have finished then proceed to the chapter titled 'Watch and Learn'.

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