Chapter 2

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When you reached your class, you went in while panting. It was tiring to walk with a limp feet. "sorry Ms Jun for being late" You said while looking down, bowing a little.

When you looked up, you noticed that the teacher was not in class yet and everyone started laughing at you.

You then rolled your eyes, annoyed as they continued laughing at you. "you can take your seat now <Y/N>" Jungkook yelled, and your classmates laughed again,"Har har!"you said in annoyance as you took your seat.

Just then, the teacher entered the classroom and everyone suddenly went silent. "students, meet your new classmate, Mr Kim, please introduce yourself."

She said in a calm tone. Your eyes widened as you heard the name and looked up to see if it was really him, it was him.

"Hi, my name is Jin,I am a transfer student from London! I hope to have a good time with you all.

"As he said, he was eyeing the room and happened to saw you and mouthed hi. Everyone than eyed you and Jin and they giggled.

"Please take your seat Mr Kim"As asked to, Jin then walked over and you hoped that he was not going to sit with you, but to your dismay he did and you sighed. "does your leg still hurt?" he whispered, giving you a concerned look. "umm...yea, but not as much as before." He then nodded slowly and scanned the entire room. "Class, please grab a partner to do your history project" As you were too lazy to ask someone to be your partner, you just stayed where you are. Jin then ask if you wanted to partner him so you agreed to partner him.

After school, you were walking home alone when you heard someone shouting your name and looked back, it was Jin. He was riding his bicycle once again and asked you if you wanted to ride with him and you said okay. So, you got on, without any difficulties.

You directed him to your house unit. Upon reaching there, he found out that he stayed nearby you. When you and Jin reached your house block, you quickly got of the bicycle as it was getting uncomfortable to sit on and your bum hurt. When you got down from the bicycle, you walked to your unit limping. "Hey, wait for me!" He ran to catch up with you.

After reaching your unit, he gasped as he noticed that your unit was just next to his! You screamed"oh noooo..." "oh yes!" He kidded and raised an eyebrow looking at you, "why no though?" "cause we are going to become neighbors" you said, exaggerating. As you opened the door to your unit, he popped his head next to your's to see how your unit looks like. His eyes became huge as he scanned your unit. "you don't cook!?" He asked. "ya, I dont" "That explains why you have so many instant noodle packets scattered all around your unit!" You then slapped his arm, and he groaned.

First Love[BTS Jin fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora