Chapter 9

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Receiving the sad news, you did not go to school, instead , you stayed at home with Jin. You thought that it was a good idea for both of you to spend time, he thought so too.

So, you and Jin chatted until day break. You was still wide awake even though it was already daybreak.

It was time for Jin to leave for the airport and you wanted to cry, but you remembered what Jin said to you, that you needed to remain positive no matter what happens to him.

Even though he did not want you to leave with him to the airport, you still was insistent and said that you will leave with him for the airport, so he nodded and also agreed.

When he took his belongings and his luggage, he looked back and waved bye to his unit.
In the taxi, you were looking out of your side-view window, crying.

Jin then turned his head and saw you crying, he scooted closer to you and asked you to stop crying , and gave you a piece of tissue to wipe your tears. You took the tissue and wiped your tears.

You did not talk much in the taxi, instead just kept crying and when Jin reminded you to stay positive, even showing the thumbs-up hand sign, you laughed and you stopped crying.
When you and Jin reached the airport, he gave you a hug and you started to cry again.

He looked at you and frowned, instead of passing you a piece of tissue, he used his hands and wiped your tears.

Then , there was an announcement saying "the plane leaving for London has arrived, passengers may enter the plane now."

"Oh no...."you said, more tears appearing. He used his hands and wiped your tears again saying the same sentence "always stay positive!" and you nodded at that.

Jin then hugged you one last time and said "wait for me, i'll be back..." he said as he looked down and started crying, he then walked away.

You then started crying again but the sentence always etched in your ears, telling you to not cry, so, you listened to the voice in your head and stopped crying.

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