Chaper 26

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"Cause I have feeling for you" You turned speechless, you were shocked by what he just said, so you were about to walk away, when suddenly, he grabbed your hand. Then he said "if you are not ready to start a relationship, I will not force you." He then let your hand go.

You did not know why, but you felt happy after thw words you heard from him. You then ran into a taxi, after spotting one. You directed the person who was driving the taxi back to your house unit. When you reachwd your house unit, you entered and on the lights.

When you turned on the lights, you saw a figure and quickly realised that it was Taehyung.

"What are you doing here? I thought you was with your girlfriend." "Please listen to me before you make any assumptions."

You nodded and he sighed, then saying "look....I know you found out that I was a spy, but even though that is the case, I still fell in love with you in the end even though I told myself so many times that I could not all in love with you, cause im only on a mission, but in the end, I always do..."

He touched your hand, but you pushed his hands away from your's. You did not know why, you felt so awkward when he holds your hand, and uncomfortable,  you did not know why though.

"I don't want to see you, please leave." you said coldly, and he turned shock, he did not move, so you pushed him out of your house. But it did not work, he refuse to move. Then, he suddenly grabbed both your hands and hold it tightly.

"Can you please listen to me first!" "You have said enough! You even cheated on me, by going out with another woman.... How do you expect me to forgive you!" You screamed at him, but this time, you felt nothing for him.

You pushed his hands away from him and pushed him out of your house, he finally did not care anymore or at least that was what you hope for.

When he was out of your house, you breath a sigh of relief.

Taehyung's POV

I was shaking my head in disbelief, *how could she treat me like that. All my efforts have gone to waste, hasn't it....This isn't even like her, somehow, I feel that she has no more feelings for me anymore...* I was walking to my car.

When I reached my house, I felt so lifeless, the scene was still playing in my head. I banged my head against the wall so many times, that my head started to spin and it felt numb too, but I did not care.

My hands that was once relaxed turned into a fist. I started to bang my hand against the wall so many times, continuously, until it was bleeding. I turned my back against the wall and sat down on the floor, which was cold. My eyes became watery and I could not hold back the tears that was trickling down my cheeks.

End of POV

You were in your room now, instead of thinking of your ex-boyfriend, your thoughts was drifted to Jin. *I wonder what he is thinking now. Is he thinking of me like how i'm thinking of him?*

You started to giggle and plopped onto your bed, you were exhausted after the long day. You went into a peaceful sleep.

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