Chapter 7

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Continuous of chapter 6 (Jin answering a call)

Jin: Hello, yes Dr. Jung?

Dr.Jung: Are you going to London to do your operation?

Jin: *sigh*, yes Dr I know i'm going to London.

Dr.Jung: When?

Jin: The day after tomorrow

Dr.Jung: Good, you must go to London if not you might not survive.....

Jin: I know....

Dr.Jung: That's good to know, please rest well and remember to not eat anything on that day when you are flying to London if not we can't do the operation on you.

Jin: Ok.

Dr . Jung: Take care of yourself.

Jin: yes, I will.

Dr.Jung: That's good, okay, goodnight, rest well!

Jin: I will, thanks bye.

With that, Jin ended the call
and jumped onto his bed,
feeling very sad.

He laid in bed, still unable to sleep, talking to himself "what should I do, I can't let the news out! But I need to tell <Y/N> about it but when? Urh! I hate myself."

He punched his pillow real hard as he was angry with himself for everything."I will think of a plan to tell <Y/N> myself tomorrow. I will, I have to!" He moaned and sighed as he thought of a plan to tell you the news.

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