Chapter 24

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It was early in the morning, you were awoken by the smell of pancakes. You walked into the kitchen and saw Jin preparing you breakfast.

" smells so good!" "obviously, it was me who prepared the food." he praised himself while looking at you, grinning while wiggling his eyebrows.

"oh yeah, I'm going to Taehyung's house later. You want to follow?" "Sure!" he said while still preparing the food.
When he was done cooking, you helped him wash the pan and utensils before eating.
After you and Jin finished eating, you helped him clear the dishes and thank him for preparing the food for you. You packed your stuff and called Taehyung to inform him that you were going to go to his house, but he did not answer the call.

You started to panic and asked Jin to call Taehyung, and he did but Taehyung still did not answer the call. Just then, when you were looking down, you saw something.

You bent down and picked it up. It was a sound detector. Your jaws dropped and you looked at Jin, who was also in shock.

Taehyung must have placed it in Jin's house without you noticing. *But how?* you thought. Then you remembered something Taehyung had said on that day at the airport that he was to tell you about how he knew Jin.


Before you slept after crying, Jin told you what happened, that Taehyung was actually a spy that was suppose to spy on you. You could not hold back the tears that were rolling down from your eyes like waterfall.

End of Flashback

You then remembered something that Jin said to you, and noticed that he was not going to get married to you. It was all fake.

"Why am I so stupid! To even think that he will like me! I am so dumb." You covered your face and squat down , crying again and then, you felt someone hugging you, at first you thought it was Taehyung, but then you remembered that Taehyung was not here with you anymore, instead, the person that was always with you was Jin.

Jin then said "don't worry <Y/N>, even if the whole entire world are not here for you, just remember that I will always be with you no matter the circumstances. Okay?" You nodded and you felt glad that at least there was someone with you.
You and Jin decided to go for shopping. Since you wanted to shop and you were moody after what happened, he did not stop you. When you were halfway shopping, you saw someone familiar, you squint your eyes to see who it was clearly, it was Taehyung.

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