Chapter 3

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After an hour, you finally finished your history project. You and Jin was therefore tired. "you should go home and rest now" you said as you could tell that he was very tired, you could even see his eyebags! "Okok I will, but before I go , can you give me your number?" "okkk...." As you said , his face suddenly brightened. He quickly took out his phone and gave it to you, asking you to type your number in so that he could save it. As you were typing your number in, you looked at him while typing, noticing that his face looked like a excited child. As you passed him back his phone, his hand touched your's and your goose bumbs stood up.

He then left after taking his phone back from you. You entered your own room and fell on your bed as you were so tired, you hardly even had the energy to do anything, luckily, you had no difficulty sleeping.
You yawned, knowing that it was morning already, and grumbled as you quickly changed into your school uniform. After changing into a new set of school uniform, you heard the doorbell rang and sleepily saying"coming!" You then rushed out of your room to open the door, thinking who could have rung the doorbell so early. As you opened the door, you wished that you had looked in the peephole before opening.

"Can I come in?" he asked with a questioning look and you sighed and nodded your head. "What?" he asked as he scratched his head."Are you unhappy to see me?" his jaw clenched as he said those words, it was like he was forcing it out of his mouth as he said those words. "No! Im just surprised to see you, thats all.." "oh" his face became red as he was embarrassed of what he just assumed. You then looked at him, and said "anyway, why are you here?" "oh....umm..cause I want to ummm....i know this might sound awkward, but I cooked for you your breakfast, please accept it." "Thank you!" You said to him with your biggest smile.
After eating your breakfast made by Jin, you both went to school together. Upon reaching school, you both entered class early. It was so dark in the class that when you walked in, you tripped over something but luckily, Jin caught you just in time. Yor goose bumps stood up at his touch once again and you started to blush, but luckily, it was too dark too see.

There was an awkward silence, Jin then said "<Y/N>, you ok? You're awfully silent." "Umm..yea, thanks for saving me from that fall." "Nah, its nothing." he said arrogantly while crossing his arms. You laughed secretly at that.
When the school bell rang, you and Jin sat at your seat while waiting for the teacher. Then, you saw your friends that always hangs out with you during recess and walked to them,"why did you guys run away without me yesterday?" you said feeling abandoned by your friends. Just then, Jimin took your arm and ask Jin "can I borrow <Y/N> for a while if you don't mind.""Why would I mind?" everyone laughed at that, and you looked down, starting to feel embarrassed. Everyone then stopped laughing and instead giggle. Jimin then grabbed your arm again and pushed you up against a wall and told you "sorry for leaving you behind, its just that we thought it would be a good idea for you to hang out with Jin alone for once." He looked at me while raising a eyebrow."and besides, I think that you and Jin fit perfectly together" "okkkk....."you trialed of not knowing what to say after what he just told you. You thought *wow, that was a awkward conversation...."

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