Chapter 6

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Your heart skipped a beat as you walked along the corridors. Jin had asked you to wait for him outside.

When you reached the school gate, you leaned against the pillar, while waiting for him to appear. "Hey <Y/N>!" You heard someone calling out to you and you turned back. You thought it was Jin, but it was'nt, it was Jimin. "Yes?" You asked. "You wanna hang out with us? We can wait for you you know."" thanks, you guys go ahead. I'm waiting for someone." "okay", he scratched his head and nodded. "see you tomorrow then?" "yep!" you said and he then walked away.

Just then , Jin appeared scaring you from behind by tickling you , and you jumped. You then looked back and saw that it was Jin. "You scared me you know!" "Obviously, it was meant to be a scare! hahaha!" He laughed at you and you rolled your eyes, annoyed.

He then stopped laughing after you asked him why he wanted to talk to you. He started frowing and looked more serious, you were worried about him,"what happen?" "can we go to my house first, I will tell you at my house."

You nodded your head and he got on his bicycle, asking you to get on it too.
When you reached his unit, you got in and took a look. You was surprised by what you saw. In his unit, everything was in place, it was not what you expected, you expected to see a unit that was all messed up. You then looked at him and he sighed. "What is wrong with you?" "Sit down first." "okkk.." "I need to tell you something." You straightened your back and asked worriedly "what happened?" *sigh* "I-I need to go back to London but I don't want to. I've made so many great friends here..." When you heard that, you started crying without knowing why. He then looked at you, shocked. "Why are you crying? Please don't cry. I can't see people crying, it will make me panic!" Jin then started panicking, so you tried to stop crying but you just could'nt hold it back. He then grapped a tissue from the tissue box and gave it to you. You took it and dried your tears.

"Why do you need to go back to London?" "Because I just need to. You don't need to know why." He said as he crossed his arms and looked away. You knew that it had to be something important so you did not argue with him about it. "Fine, i'm not going to force you , anyway, goodnight." Jin simply nodded his head without even looking at you. You was so sad that he was going back to London but at the same time, you was angry at how he replied you.
In your unit, you was so exhausted from crying so you slept.
For Jin, he was wide awake as he could not sleep. "I'm sorry for being soo cold to you just now <Y/N>, I did not mean it, its just that you are the closest friend that I've ever got." *sigh* Jin mumbled to himself while trying to sleep.

Jut then when he was about to sleep, he had a call and answered it.

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