Chapter 16

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"Wait! How did you know his name?" You asked Jin, your eyes about to gauge out. "I'll tell you later, but for now, i think that we should all celebrate Jin's return to Korea"

Taehyung asked smiling at me then Jin. "Oh yeah, i forgot! I asked our childhood friends to celebrate Jin's return to Korea too!"

He said and you wondered why Jin was being so quiet and asked him "Jin, why are you so quiet? Aren't you happy that you are back in Korea!"

He sighed and answered "obviously i am happy..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say to you.
Jin's POV

*sigh* if only i did not have cancer, if only i had told her that i liked her before i left for London.

As you turned your head to look at her and Taehyung holding hands and Taehyung scooting closer to her, planting a kiss on her forehead, your heart started to ache, and you looked away, totally disgusted.
You wasn't focusing on what Taehyung was saying, you were too caught up with what your mind was thinking about, Jin. *What is wrong with him? Why is he so quiet? This isn't like him at all!*

You wanted to ask Jin why he was so quiet, but in the end, you decided not to twhen you spotted your ex-classmates coming towards you three and you remembered that it was because you and your friends were celebrating Jin's birthday.

You waved to them and they waved back. You looked at Jungkook and asked "where is your girlfriend?" "Oh you mean Denna?" You just nodded your head at that.

"She said that she will join us later, cause she has something on now" "Ohhh...." you trailed off and just nodded your head.

This means that you were the only girl while the rest were boys! You thought *definitely, Jin was going to talk to the other hyungs! Right?*

But as you looked at him, he wasn't talking, his face was red. You did not know why so you just walked ignoring him.
Jin's POV

Jin was lost in thought, when he caught you staring at him, he looked away, hoping that you did not see him looking at you and Taehyung.

He was pissed, looking at you and Taehyung cuddling with each other just made him angrier and disgusted.

He felt jealous of your relationship with Taehyung and kept on looking at you and Taehyung instead of joining the conversation that the hyungs was talking about.

"Jin?" Jimin was waving his hands in front of Jin's face but Jin did not notice. He was still lost in thoughs.

So, Jimin shouted Jin's name in his ears, causing Jin to snap out of his own thoughts and focus to the conversation.

"What?" He looked at the hyungs and they all just stared at him. "What?" "Why is your face so red?" "No it isn't!" "Yes it is you wanna see it for yourself?" J-Hope asked. "Nevermind, i'll check my face on my own."
You watched him taking his own phone out to look at himself, he was shocked when his face was red.

You could tell it by how he looked at himself and you started to giggle. His face became more redder as he was embarrassed.

He looked away from the hyungs, and just whistled away, like nothing happen. You then looked up at Taehyung, "why is Jin acting so wierd nowadays?" "I don't know. But whatever it is, i think that its best for us not to ask him" you nodded at that as you agreed with what he said and Taehyung scooted closer to you, leaving no gap behind, making you nervous.

"Kiss me." "Not now." He laughed and said, "i was only joking, i did not know that you took it that seriously!" You rolled your eyes at him and he laughed even more.

He then place his left hand around your waist and leaned closer, using his hands to playfully tickle you. You then giggled and asked him to stop, but he did not and you giggled even more, and without you knowing, he pecked a kiss on your lips, and you stopped giggling, looking up at him, you could tell that he was gazing down at you, and you too, gazed back at him.

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