Chapter 21

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In the ward, you and Taehyung talked about you and your dreams. He then confirmed that you have finally regain some of your memory back, but not all. It will take time for you to recover from all these.

"So that was what happened, she hit me and I fell down, knocking my head?" "It's time that you knew about this." he sighed and gulped, looking down.

"It was all my fault...." he started to tear and looked up at you, covering his eyes so that you could not see him crying, "if I did not save you from that fall, none of this would have happened, and if I did not tell her earlier, this all would'nt had happened."

You patted him and hugged him tightly. "It's okay...." you trailed off, not knowing what to say.

It always to pain to see the one you love, crying. He was still crying, but not as much as before. You made him look at you and wiped his tears off his cheeks.

End of flashback

Jin stopped moving, he turned to face you, and you looked down, you slowly look up to look at him, only to notice that he was starting to tear up. You pouted at him, and said "Please stop crying....."

He then hugged you and your goose bumps stood up from his touch. Your boyfriend was nodding his head and a smile crept on his face.

Taehyung's POV

*there is nothing wrong with seeing Jin hug her right, since they are best friends*Although you were starting to get jealous of Jin hugging her, you just faked a smile when she was looking at you, trying your best not to become jealous, although you already are.

You looked away, so as not to see them still hugging one another. Your face was turning bright red from anger now and jealousy, your fist was clenched up as well. But you tried your best to remain calm.

End of POV

You were looking at Taehyung who was turnig bright red with anger and jealousy.

It was so obvious but you then giggled at him and said to Jin who was so glad that you have finally regained your memory, "are you done hugging me?"

Jin then stopped hugging you and turned bright red from embarrassment. You laughed and looked at Taehyung, who was now looking at you and Jin.

"Taehyung, are you okay?Why are you so quiet?" "Nothing...." he looked down and slouch. You looked at Jin who seem to be in a gaze, not hearing what you are saying.

"What is going on with you two?" You scratched your neck and wondered why they were weird in front of you.

They both turned their head, avoiding your eye contact, and you just shook your head.

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