Chapter 30

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Taehyubg's POV

I felt sad and abandoned, all of the hyungs have left, now I'm alone. Then the door opened, revealing a nurse.

"It's time to take your medicine" I nodded my head and took the pills in my hands, before swallowing the medicine.

"What's your name? Are you new here?" The nurse nodded and said "yep, I'm new." "You look too young to be working now."

"That's because I am new here." "What's your name?" "Oh my name is Ilyana." I nodded and said "Nice name." *well, this feels awkward...*

End of POV

You and Jin was finally together, you felt so happy and save when you are always with him. You asked him "So are you happy today?" "Ye, today the the best day of my life!" He said happily.

You giggled at him and he sighed. "What's wrong?" "Nothing..." "Tell me!" You glanced at him and he just shook his head.

You rolled your eyes at him and asked him to spill it out. "Okok, it's just that I'm scared that you will go back with Taehyung, thats all." "You are so foolish." You just shake your head and looked back at the scenery.

You were still standing up, but your legs were aching, so you looked around. "What are you looking at?" He asked, concerned. "I'm looking for a seat, my legs hurt from standing up so long."

He grinned and pointed to a seat. "Huh?" "Blur" "Hey!" You smacked his hand and he groaned. You then make your way to the bench, still holding on to Jin's hand.

You pulled him with you and you sat down on the seat, "finally, i can sit!" He then glanced at you and you glanced back at him too. He then looked at you playfully.

"What are you thinking of?" "Guess." "Tell me, please." "I'm thinking about how fortunate i am to have you as my girlfriend." He then tapped your nose lightly and you looked away, your face was flushed.

He started laughing and you rolled your eyes at him. "What is so funny?" "Seeing you like that." You then punched his arm, but as you were about to, he grabbed your hand and placed you on his lap.

Your eyes widened and your face became redder. You placed your hand over your face and looked back at him, he smirked at you before kissing you on your lips.

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