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Hi my name is Erin Louise Rose Contostavlos-Rawson

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Hi my name is Erin Louise Rose Contostavlos-Rawson. Yes that's right! I am the daughter of Tula Paulinea Contostavlos also known as Tulisa Contostavlos (Mum) and Richard Rawson also known as Fazer Rawson (Dad). I am 19 years old and I was born on the 10th of May 1998. I have long brunette hair and I have brown eyes. I am medium height and my skin is quite tanned. I am sassy, sarcastic, mouthy, loving, caring, know how to have a good time and don't care what people think about me. I used to study at London East High but I left school when I was 16 years old as I managed to get the grades that I needed. I don't know how because I was a trouble maker in school as I caused the most trouble and I will always get told off by every teacher. I was popular at school and I had many friends. After I left school, I got a part time job in New Look and a part time job in my local coffee shop but I have got a better job now.

My parents met each other at a young age due to being in a band with my Uncle Dappy and my parents fell in love with each other pretty quickly. The band with my Uncle Dappy only last a couple of months because the bands manager, Uncle B, died of a heart attack and it broke the band up. A year and a half of my parents dating, my Mum fell pregnant on me. My Mum was 17 years old at the time and my Dad was 18 years old at the time. My Mum kept the pregnancy a secret for 4 months but she knew she couldn't keep it from my Dad any longer as she was starting to show. My Mum told my Dad and he wasn't happy at all. My parents would argue about the situation but one day, my Mum found out my Dad was cheating on her. My Mum confronted my Dad and he admitted it straight away to her face. My Mum told him that it was me and her or the other women. My Dad chose the other women over us which he is no longer with and my Dad walked out of the house with his things. My Mum never saw my Dad again!

5 months later, my Mum gave birth to me and was supported by my Nan. My Mum named me Erin and gave me two last names that are joined because I suited the name. My Mum would never let me go as I was her princess and she would never let anyone hurt me. I and my Mum lived with my Nan because of the extra support from my Nan. The rest of my Mum's family would always help my Mum out and I loved being around my family as I grew closer to them everyday.

At the age of 13, I and my Mum moved out of my Nan's house because we wanted to give my Nan some space as it was getting crowded due to a small house. I and my Mum had our own six bedroom house because my Mum was earning a lot of money due to The X Factor along with music career. A couple of months later, my Mum got herself a new boyfriend called Danny Simpson. I got along with Danny and he had a daughter called Skye which I cared a lot about. As I was growing up, I became distant with my Mum because she was always paying attention to Danny and Skye. I did many things to get her attention like go to parties, be out all night, sneak out when I wasn't allowed to go out, get into trouble at school and throw parties myself. None of them worked!

Now, I am getting fed up with it and I don't want to live with my Mum anymore. I have recently got back in contact with my Dad with the help of my Uncle Dappy and I have told my Dad everything about my Mum not paying attention to me. My Mum doesn't know that I have got back in contact with my Dad and whenever she asks who I am on the phone with, I just tell her that it's a friend on mine. My Dad has told me that I can stay with him, Ashley (Girlfriend) and Ava (their Daughter) which is in America.

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