XV: Going Back To California

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💙Erin's POV💙

Today I am leaving London and I am going back to California, America. I am excited to go back because I can see my family and my friends. They all don't know what has happened between me and Cameron yet unless it has come out on the news but I don't know as I haven't checked. I am nervous about facing my Dad but I need to make sure that he remains calm and doesn't anything stupid to Cameron. I don't want my Dad to hurt Cameron but Cameron deserves a punishment which is why I decided that it was over.

My alarm went off beside me and I opened my eyes. I turned my alarm off from my phone and I climbed out of the bed. I made the bed and I grabbed the clothes that I am travelling home in. I stripped out of my pyjamas and I chucked them in my suitcase. I sprayed deodorant underneath both arms and I got changed into my underwear. I sprayed body spray over my body and I sprayed perfume on my neck. I put my clothes on and I slipped on my socks. I slipped on my shoes and I grabbed my bathroom things. I headed towards the bedroom door and I opened the bedroom door. I departed the spare bedroom and I made my way to the bathroom. I wandered over to the bathroom sink and I brushed my teeth. I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and I wiped my face with a warm flannel. I took my hair out of the high ponytail and I brushed my hair. I shoved my hair into a messy bun and I applied my daily make up.

I was satisfied with my appearance and I packed up my bathroom things in my wash bag. I zipped up my wash bag and I left the bathroom. I made my way back to the spare bedroom and I finished packing my suitcase. I had everything in my suitcase and I zipped up my suitcase. I checked that I had everything in my handbag and I zipped up my handbag. I picked up my phone from the bed and I called for a taxi. I was told that a taxi will be at my Nan's house in 15 minutes. I placed my handbag on my arm and I picked up my suitcase. I exited the spare bedroom and I strolled down the hallway. I made my way down the stairs and I reached the bottom of the stairs. I placed my suitcase near the stairs and I went into the kitchen. I placed the note that I wrote for my Nan on the fridge and I departed the kitchen.

I heard a beep outside and I strolled down the hallway. I grabbed my suitcase and I picked up my Nan's keys. I unlocked the front door and I opened the front door. I stepped outside and I shut the front door behind me. I locked the house up and I put my Nan's keys through the letterbox. I carried my suitcase down to the taxi and I reached the taxi. I opened the boot door and I placed my suitcase in the boot. I shut the boot door behind me and I made my way around to the front passenger side. I opened the taxi door and I hopped into the taxi. I shut the taxi door behind me and I buckled myself in. The taxi driver asked where to go and I told the taxi driver. He nodded his head and started driving away from my Nan's house.

I was going to miss London but I was glad that I was going back home where it is nice and warm. I'm quite surprised on how my Nan and my Mum has been since I arrived in London. I thought they would want me to stay here in London but they could see that I was happy in America. My Mum knows that I needed space and now she knows that I need more space because of my breakup with Cameron.

The taxi came to a stop and I realised that I was at Heathrow Airport. I didn't have long before my flight because I decided to move my flight to an early one. The taxi drive told me how much and I paid the taxi driver the amount he told me. He smiled at me and mentioned a thank you. I told him that he was welcome and to enjoy the rest of his day. I unbuckled myself and I opened the taxi door. I grabbed my handbag and I hopped out of the taxi. I closed the taxi door behind me and I opened the boot door. I grabbed my suitcase and I placed my suitcase on the ground. I closed the boot door behind me and the taxi driver drove off. I pulled up the handle for my suitcase and dragged it behind me into the airport. I headed over to the desk to check in and everything got sorted. Next, I went through all of the checks and I was clear. I had an 15 minutes before getting to my terminal for my flight.

I grabbed something to eat and a drink from Costa. I headed towards my terminal and I reached my terminal. I ate my food and I drank my drink. I chucked all of my rubbish in the bin and they called for my flight. I queued up and I reached the front after 15 people. One of the cabin crew checked my ticket and they let me on the plane. I wandered down the tube and I stepped onto the plane. I was showed where to find my seat and I headed in the direction. 10 minutes later, I found seat and I sat down. I had the seat next to the window which I liked because I could see the views. A guy came sat next to me and he looked familiar. He glanced at me and smiled at me.



Sam was one of Cameron's friends because they toured with each other for Magcon but when Magcon split up, Sam went his seperate way with Nate Maloley, Jack Gilinksy and Jack Johnson. I was glad to see Sam and to catch up with him because it has been so long since I saw him. The plane filled up and the plane soon took off. I and Sam started speaking to each other.

Sam: I didn't know you came to London, Erin.

Erin: I am originally from London but I moved to California about a couple of months ago. I and Cameron came to visit my Mum.

Sam: Where is Cameron then?

Erin: He's not with me. We spilt up a couple of days ago.

Sam: I am sorry to hear that. I hope your okay.

Erin: I am getting there. It will take a long time to get over him but I need to move on.

Sam: I know how you feel. I split up with my girlfriend about a month ago and I am still trying to get over her.

Erin: I didn't know that you split up with Stassie. I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you are okay.

Sam: Yeah I'm getting there. So you live in California now.

Erin: Yeah. I ran away from my Mum because she never paid attention to me so I moved in with my Dad.

Sam: Oh. Well I hope you like it in California.

Erin: Yeah I do. I love the weather and I love the people out there.

I and Sam kept chatting. We talked about how I should hang out with his group of his friends and I told Sam that I will think about it. Sam is a really nice guy but he has the label of a fuck boy on him. That is the normal type of guys I would go for if they asked me out but at the moment I am not looking for relationship. It's just too soon after splitting up with Cameron. I thought Cameron was the right guy for me but obviously not and I now need to move on from it.

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