I: Moving To California

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💙Erin's POV💙

Today, I have had a lazy day. I have been just hanging around in my bedroom just listening to music and thinking about what my Dad told me last night on the phone to me. He told me that I could come and stay with him in America. I told him that I would think about it and I have had most of the morning to think about it. I have finally made a decision that I am going to live my Dad and his family in America. My Mum, Danny and Skye have been out this morning. They still not back so this has given me the chance to get packing and not to be asked a million questions. I have just finished packing my things and I zipped up my suitcases. I zipped up my  handbag and I departed my bedroom. I made my way into my Mum's and Danny's bedroom. I stole some money from my Mum's bedside table and I stuffed the money in my pocket. I exited the bedroom and I went back into my bedroom. I placed the handbag on my arm and I dragged my two suitcases out of the bedroom. I dragged my suitcases down the stairs and I finally reached the stairs.

I heard a beep outside and I knew it was the taxi. I opened the front door and I grabbed the house keys. I dragged my suitcases out of the house and I shut the front door behind me. I locked the house up and I put my key through the letterbox. I pulled my suitcases down to the taxi and I reached the taxi. I opened the boot door and I placed my two suitcases in the boot. I closed the boot door behind me and I hopped into the back of the taxi. I closed the car door behind me and I told the taxi driver where to drive. The taxi driver nodded his head and I strapped myself in. The taxi drive drove out of the drive way and he drove his way to the airport. On the way their, I texted my Dad telling him I was heading to the airport and he replied back quickly.

To Dad,
Hey Dad. I have finally got away from the house and I am on my way to the airport.
Love You.
Erin xx

To Erin,
Hey princess. I can't wait to see you. I will be at the airport waiting for you. See you in about 12 hours.
Love You.
Dad xx

I smiled at the text and I locked my phone. I placed my phone in my pocket and the taxi came to a stop. I noticed at we were at the airport and I unstrapped myself. The taxi driver told me the price and I paid the taxi driver. I picked up my handbag and I placed my handbag on my arm. I opened the car door and I hopped out of the taxi. I closed the car door behind me and I lifted my hood up on my jumper as there was paparrazi around. I went around to the boot and I opened the boot door. I took my suitcases out and I placed them on the ground. I shut the boot door behind me and I pulled my suitcases into the airport. I queued up to buy my ticket and it was finally my turn. I paid for my plane ticket and the lady behind the desk gave me my ticket. She took my suitcases off me and she told me to have a nice journey. I smiled at her and I srolled away. I went through all of the checks and I just had to wait around for my flight.

I went into the shop to get some sweets and magazines for the flight journey. 5 hours later, I had less an hour to make my way over to my flight and I decided to go now. I made my way through the people and I headed towards where I was getting my flight. 20 minutes later, I arrived where I was getting my flight and I took a seat. I listened to my music from my phone whilst I waited and a girl similar to my age came to sit next to me. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. 10 minutes later, the caller called for the flight and the cabin crew started loading people onto the plane. I stood up and I placed my handbag on my arm. I queued up and I managed to reach the front of the queue. One of the cabin crew checked my plane ticket and they nodded their head. I walked past them and there was no way back now. I walked through the tube and I stepped onto the plane.

Another cabin crew, showed me my way and I smiled at them. I headed towards my seat and I found my seat. I was next to the window which I was glad about because I like looking out of the window when flying and I only had one more person sat next to me. I sat down in my seat and I got myself set. The girl from earlier came sat next to me and we exchanged smiles again. We are started chatting with each other whilst the cabin crew was finishing off filling up the plane.

Erin: What is your name?

Hailey: Hailey. What about yours?

Erin: Erin and that is a nice name.

Hailey: Thanks and so is yours. Where are you going to visit in America?

Erin: Oh I am not visiting but I am going to California.

Hailey: That is where I am going. I am from California. I just came to London to visit.

Erin: I am from London. What did you think about London?

Hailey: It was amazing and the people are so nice here but I miss the sun. So are you living out in California.

Erin: Yeah. I am living my Dad and his family.

Hailey: Maybe we could hang out sometime.

Erin: Yeah sure.

Hailey: Can I ask you about your Mum.

Erin: Yeah that's fine. My parents have split up which happened before I was born. My Mum got a new boyfriend and he has a daughter. My Mum pays attention to them more than me so I ran away.

Hailey: So your Mum doesn't know your here.

Erin: Nope. She will probably report me missing but I don't care.

Hailey: I don't think I could do that to my Mum.

The plane was filled and all locked up. Everything was set up and we were taking off. The plane was high in the sky and I continued to talk to Hailey. It was nice to have someone on the plane journey and I didn't get bored. I was talking to Hailey, reading my magazines, sleeping and eating my sweets with Hailey.

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