VIII: First Date With Cameron

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💙Erin's POV💙

Hailey and Mia went home at 4pm. I was sat in the living room just watching tv and waiting for Cameron to pick me up for my date. It was now 6pm and I heard the doorbell ring. I turned off the TV and I placed the TV remote on the coffee table in front of me. I stood up from the sofa and I departed the living room. I strolled towards the front door and I opened the front door. Cameron stood at the door and he was holding a bouquet of flowers. I let him into the house and we started speaking.

Cameron: You look gorgeous Erin.

Erin: Thank you. You look very handsome tonight.

Cameron: I do try. These are for you. (Passes the bouquet of flower)

Erin: Cheeky and thank you. They are beautiful. I will go and put them in the vase.

Cameron: Okay. I will wait here for you.

I closed the front door and I wandered down the hallway. I entered the kitchen and I grabbed a glass vase from the cupboard. I sorted out my flowers and I placed the flowers in the vase that was filled with water. I placed them on the kitchen window sill and I exited the kitchen. I strolled down the hallway and I met up with Cameron again. He asked me if I was ready and I nodded my head. I picked up my clutch bag off the hallway unit and I linked my arm with Cameron. Cameron opened the front door and we both stepped outside. I shut the front door behind us and I locked the front door. I opened my clutch bag and I put the house key in my clutch bag. I locked my clutch bag and Cameron walked me down to his car. We reached his car and he unlocked his car. Cameron opened the front passenger car door and he helped me get into the car. I mentioned a thank you and he smiled at me.

Cameron shut the car door when I was in and he went around to the drivers side. Cameron opened the car door and he hopped into the car. Cameron shut the car door behind him and we both buckled ourselves in. Cameron put his car keys into the car and started his car engine. Cameron drove down the drive way and he drove away from the house. We were driving through the City Centre and I watching everything out of the window. The City Centre was all lit up with pretty lights and it looked beautiful. 20 minutes later, we were out in the middle of no where and Cameron drove down a muddy track. 10 minutes later, the car came to a stop and Cameron stopped the car engine. He took the car keys out of the car and we both unbuckled ourselves. Cameron told me that he will come around to get me and I nodded my head.

Cameron opened his car door and he jumped out of the car. Cameron shut the car door behind him and he came around to my side. Cameron opened the car door and held out his hand. I took his hand and I got out of the car. Cameron shut the car door behind me and he locked his car using his car keys. I linked my arm with Cameron and he lead to where we was going. Before we got to the place, Cameron placed his hands over my eyes and he lead me to where we were going. We soon came to a stop and Cameron took his hands off over my eyes. I opened my eyes and what was in front of me was amazing. We were having a picnic near a waterfall and underneath the stars. I and Cameron sat down at the picnic. We started having the picnic and we finished 30 minutes later.

After the picnic, we were just relaxing and enjoying each others company. We were watching the stars and listening to the soft sound of the water from the waterfall. I and Cameron shared a few kisses with each other. We discussed what was going to happen after this and we mentioned that we will continue to see each other. At 10pm, we started packing up the picnic and we headed back to the car. Cameron unlocked his car and he opened the boot door. Cameron placed the picnic basket in the boot and he shut the boot door behind him. Cameron went around to the drivers side and we both opened the car doors. We jumped into the car and we shut the car doors behind us. We strapped ourselves in and Cameron put his car keys into the car. He started the car engine and Cameron drove me back home.

30 minutes later, we arrived back at my house and I turned to face Cameron. I told him that I had a lovely night and he told me that as well. I gave him a kiss on the lips and I mentioned a goodbye to him. I unstrapped myself and I opened the car door. I picked up my clutch bag and I got out of the car. I shut the car door behind me and I waved Cameron off. I made my way up to the front door and I opened the front door. I stepped inside the house and I closed the front door behind me. I locked the front door and I took the house key out of my clutch bag. I placed the key on the hallway unit and I wandered down the hallway. I entered the kitchen and I saw my Dad talking to Ashley. They stopped talking when they saw me and they started speaking to me.

Fazer: How was the date with Cameron?

Erin: It was really nice. We had a picnic near a waterfall.

Ashley: That's cute. Do you plan on seeing each other again.

Erin: Yeah we do. You can meet him soon but not yet. I am off to bed.

Fazer: Okay. Good night princess.

Ashley: Night Erin.

Erin: Night Night.

I grabbed my flowers and I departed the kitchen. I strolled down the hallway and I reached the stairs. I made my way up the stairs and I reached the top of the stairs. I wandered down the hallway and I entered my bedroom. I quietly closed the front door behind me and I placed my flowers on one of my bedside tables. I took everything out of the clutch bag and I placed the clutch bag on the bed. I grabbed the boxes from underneath the bed and I grabbed some clean pyjamas. I made my way into the en suite bathroom and I turned the bathroom light on. I closed the bathroom door behind me and I stripped out of my clothes. I took my shoes off and I got changed into my pyjamas. I wandered over to the bathroom sink and I brushed my teeth. I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and I wiped off my make up.

I brushed my hair and I shoved my hair up into a high ponytail. I picked up my clothes and shoes. I headed towards the bathroom door and I opened the bathroom door. I turned the bathroom light off and I departed the en suite bathroom. I closed the bathroom door behind me and I placed my dress in the big box. I placed my clutch bag in the big box and I put the lid on the box. I put my shoes in the small box and I put the lid on that box. I placed the two boxes underneath my bed and I climbed into my bed. I heard my phone ping and I picked up my phone from my bedside table. I unlocked on my phone and I clicked on messages. I noticed that I had a message from Cameron and I started replying back to him.

To Erin,
The date was lovely tonight and thank you for agreeing with going on a date with me. Can't wait for our second date and you looked beautiful tonight. Night beautiful.
Cameron xx

To Cameron,
I can't wait either and you looked handsome tonight. Night Cameron.
Erin xx

I locked my phone and I placed my phone on my bedside table. I thought about our date tonight and I am glad that I went on a date with Cameron now. I don't know what the future holds for us but I am looking forward to our other dates. I turned my night light off and I laid my head on the pillow. I fell asleep instantly and I was dreaming about Cameron.

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