II: Finding Out That Erin Has Gone And Landing In California

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💜Tulisa's POV💜

I and Erin have become distant a lot more recently. It's since I have been with Danny and spending time with his daughter Skye. I wanted Erin to be part of that life as well but she has been shutting me out. Part of it is my fault as well because I have include her in anything. She has been trying to get my attention since she was 13 years old but I have really cared. What sort of mother am I? A bad one in my eyes. Erin has done everything to get my attention but I just didn't care.

This morning, I, Danny and Skye have gone out. I did ask Erin if she wanted to come with us but she has been ignoring me lately. Erin was just laying around in her bedroom listening to her music and thinking about something that I will ask her about later. I left her be and I went out with the family. I, Danny and Skye went shopping. We also had lunch out and we took Skye to the park for a bit. At 2pm, I and Danny decided to go back home. Danny called Skye and she came running over towards us. She held both of our hands and we walked back to the car. We got into the car and I drove back to the house.

30 minutes later, we arrived back home and I parked the car on the drive way. I stopped the car and I took my car keys out of the car. We all unstrapped ourselves and we all opened the car doors. We hopped out of the car and we shut the car doors behind us. I and Danny grabbed the bags from the boot. Danny shut the boot door behind us and I locked the car. We all strolled up to the front door and I tried opening the front door. The door wouldn't open which was strange because Erin was inside the house. I unlocked the front door and I opened the front door. I noticed Erin's house keys on the floor and I picked them up. I stepped inside the house and Danny followed behind me with Skye. Danny closed the front door and Skye ran into the living room to watch the TV. I chucked Erin's house keys on the unit and I started taking the shopping bags upstairs.

I reached the top of the stairs and I started walking to my bedroom. As I was walking past Erin's bedroom, I noticed the bedroom door open and it seemed empty. I went into my bedroom and I chucked the shopping bags on the double bed. I noticed my money missing from my bedside table and I departed my bedroom. I went into Erin's bedroom and I noticed she wasn't around. Her walk in wardrobe doors were open and I glanced in there. All of her clothes and shoes were gone. I started to panic and I closed the wardrobe doors. I departed her bedroom and I ran downstairs. I reached the bottom of the stairs and I noticed Danny in the kitchen. I entered the kitchen and Danny noticed that something was wrong.

Danny: T, what is wrong?

Tulisa: It's Erin.

Danny: What about her? Is she okay.

Tulisa: She has gone.

Danny: What do you mean she is gone?

Tulisa: All of her shoes and clothes have gone. She has took the money off my bedside table.

Danny: Have you tried calling her.

I shook my head and I tried calling Erin. It went straight to voicemail and I called about 3 times. Danny tried calling her but she wouldn't answer him either. I and Danny ended up calling the police because we didn't know where she was.

💙Erin's POV💙

11 and half hours later, the plane has just landed in California, America. The pilot parked up and the cabin crew set everything up so everyone could leave the plane. Everyone got up from their seats and started getting off the plane. I and Hailey stood up from our seats. I grabbed my handbag and I placed my handbag on my arm. I and Hailey walked off the plane. we mentioned goodbyes to the cabin crew and they mentioned one back. We got off the plane and we walked through the tube. We headed towards departures and we went through the checks. We grabbed our suitcase and we mentioned goodbye's to each other. We exchanged numbers and we told each other that we will see each other around. I and Hailey walked off in separate ways. I glanced around for my Dad and I heard my name being called. I turned around and I noticed my Dad. I ran over to my Dad whilst dragging my suitcases and I reached him. I dropped my suitcases and I jumped into his arms. He spun me around whilst we hugged and he placed me back on the floor.

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