XXX: 5 Months Later...

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💙Erin's POV💙

Everything is going really well. Sam and I have finished decorating our new house. The furniture got delivered yesterday at the house and everything is set up for us to move in. Today is the day that we are going to move into our new house and I couldn't wait. Sam has put his house up for sale and people are already looking at buying the house. I am going to miss not seeing my family everyday but I will only live 10 minutes down the road so I am pretty close to them still.

I heard my alarm go off beside me and I fluttered my eyes open. I turned my alarm off and I smiled to myself knowing that I was going to move into my new house today. I crawled out of bed and I picked up my clothes from the bedroom floor. I picked up my underwear and I made my way into the en suite bathroom. I turned the bathroom light on and I closed the bathroom door behind me. I placed my clothes and underwear on the closed toilet seat. I stripped out of my pyjamas and I chucked my pyjamas in the wash basket. I sprayed deodorant underneath both of my arms and I sprayed body spray over my body. I sprayed perfume on my neck and I got changed into my underwear. I put my clothes over the top and I slipped on my black trainer socks. I wandered over to the bathroom sink and I brushed my teeth.

I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and I wiped my face with a warm flannel. I brushed my hair and shoved my hair up into a high messy ponytail. I applied my daily make up and I was satisfied with my appearance. I packed my bathroom things and left it near the bathroom sink. I headed towards the bathroom door and I opened the bathroom door. I turned the bathroom light off and I departed the en suite bathroom. I closed the bathroom door behind me and I opened the bedroom blinds. I put my watch on my left wrist and I put my earrings in. I picked up my phone from my bedside table and I put my phone in my pocket. I headed towards the bedroom door and I opened the bedroom door. I exited the bedroom and I strolled down the hallway. I reached the stairs and I made my way down the stairs.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and I wandered down the hallway. I entered the kitchen and I saw Ava sat at the table eating her breakfast. My Dad and Ashley decided to take the time off work today so they can help me move into my new house. I made myself some breakfast and I made myself a cup of tea. I sat at the table and I started eating my breakfast. I finished eating my breakfast and I dank my drink. I finished my drink and I got up from the chair. I pushed the chair into the table and I picked up the dishes from the table. I made my way over to the dishwasher and I opened the dishwasher door. I placed my dirty dishes in the dishwasher and I shut the dishwasher door behind me. My Dad came into the kitchen and we started speaking to each other.

Fazer: Are you nearly packed yet,Erin.

Erin: I've packed all of my clothes and shoes but just got to pack the furniture.

Fazer: I can't believe your actually leaving the family home.

Erin: I can't believe it either. I just want to say a massive thank you for taking me in when I run away from home.

Fazer: I couldn't say no to you. Your much as my daughter as Ava is. At first, I didn't like that you ran away from home but I realise how your Mum was treating you.

Erin: I know and I am glad that is in the past.

Fazer: Have you told your Mum that you are moving in with Sam.

Erin: Nope. We haven't spoken to each other for ages.

Fazer: The right time will come.

Erin: Thanks Dad.

Fazer: It's no problem sweetheart.

Erin: I better go upstairs and pack the remainder of my things. Sam will be around soon and could you let him in please when he gets here.

Fazer: Okay.

I departed the kitchen and I grabbed the boxes from the hallway. I headed towards the stairs and I made my way up the stairs. I reached the top of the stairs and I strolled down the hallway. I entered my bedroom and I chucked the boxes on the bedroom floor. I started packing up my things in the boxes and cello-taping the boxes up. I made my way into the en suite bathroom and I turned the bathroom light on. I picked up my bathroom things and I left the en suite bathroom. I packed my bathroom things in my suitcase and I checked if I had everything packed. Once everything was packed, I heard a knock at the bedroom door and I turned around to face the bedroom door. Sam was at the door and we exchanged hello's to each other.

Sam: Have you got everything packed.

Erin: Yep. I can't believe we are moving in with each other.

Sam: I can't believe it either. This is a big step for both of us.

Erin: Certainly. Could you help me take the suitcases and boxes down to the car.

Sam: Yeah course. Let's get going.

Sam and I grabbed a box each. We left the bedroom and made our way downstairs. We took the boxes out to my car and we kept doing that with everything that is packed. 2 hours later and we have finished packing up my car. Sam told me that he was going to put my other car on the back of his car and I nodded my head. Whilst Sam was doing that, I made my way up to the front door where my family was and I started with my goodbye's. I gave Ashley a hug first and she told me to care of myself. We pulled away from each other and I turned to my Dad. We hugged each other and he told me to look after myself. My Dad also told me to come to see them when I want and we started crying. We pulled away from each other and I turned to Ava. I bent down and Ava gave me a present. It was photo's of me and the family.

I told all of them that it was beautiful and Ava gave me a picture with me ,and her. I had tears running down my face and I pulled Ava into a hug. Ava told me that she was going to miss me and I told her that I will miss her everyday. I told her that she can come and visit me most of the time. We pulled away from each other and I wiped her tears away. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and I stood up properly. I told Ashley and my Dad a goodbye. I picked up my pictures and I strolled towards my car. I reached my car and Sam told me that he will meet me at the house. I nodded my head and I unlocked my car using my car keys. I opened the drivers door and I hopped into the car. I placed the pictures on the seat next to me and I shut the car door behind me. I buckled myself in and I put the car keys into the car.

I started the car engine and I waved goodbye to my family. They waved back and I drove down the drive way. I drove away from the house for the last time and I drove down the road. 10 minutes later, I arrived at the new house and I drove up the drive way. I parked my car outside the garage and I stopped the car engine. I took the car keys out of the car and I unbuckled myself. I opened the car door and I hopped out of the car. I shut the car door behind me and I went around to the boot. I opened the boot door and I started taking out the boxes from my car. I walked up to the house and placed the boxes in the house. I and Sam got all of our things into the house. Once everything was in the house, we placed the boxes in the rooms they belonged to and started unpacking. I placed everything where I wanted it and Sam put the decor up.

At 5pm, we finished unpacking all of our things and all of the decor was up. We were in the living room having a drink and we were discussing what to have for tea. We decided with pizza and Sam went to order the pizza on the phone. Sam came back 10 minutes later and we watched the tv for a bit whilst we wait. 30 minutes later, our tea arrived and Sam went to grab it from the front door. Sam paid for our food and came back into the living room. We ate our food and we watched a movie after our food. We tidied up at 10pm and we turned everything off downstairs. We locked everything up and we went upstairs to go for bed. We both got ready for bed and we ended up falling asleep at 10:30pm.

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