XXII: Girls Night Out

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💙Erin's POV💙

I closed my bedroom door behind me and I strolled down the hallway. I reached the stairs and I made my way down the stairs. I saw Camila at the bottom of the stairs and she smiled at me. I smiled back at her and she told me that the rest of the girls were in the taxi. I reached the bottom of the stairs and I mentioned a goodbye to my family. They told me to have a good time and I left the house with Camila in front of me. I closed the front door behind me and we strolled down to the taxi. We reached the taxi and Camila opened the back door. Camila climbed into the taxi and I climbed in after her. I shut the taxi door behind me and I sat down in my seat. Hailey and Mia greeted me. I greeted them back and I buckled myself in. Camila told the taxi drive where to drive and the taxi driver nodded his head.

The taxi driver drove off the drive way and drove to where we were going for the night. 30 minutes later, the taxi came to a stop and we all unbuckled ourselves. We paid the taxi driver our amount for the journey and I opened the taxi door. I jumped out of the taxi and I was followed behind by Camila. Hailey climbed out of the taxi and Mia climbed out of the taxi last. Mia shut the taxi door behind us and the taxi driver drove off. We headed over to the club and we showed the security guard our I.D. The security guard nodded his head at all of us and we entered the club. We strolled down the stairs into the main part and the club was already packed. We all headed over to the bar and Hailey ordered in the first shots. Hailey paid for the shots and we all downed the shots in one go.

We had a few more shots and we headed over to the dance floor. We started dancing with each other and we were just having a good time. People started screaming near us and someone was introducing an act. I couldn't remember the act but the person went off the stage and two boys went on the stage. They started telling us what they were going to sing and the lights lighted them up. I couldn't see the guys on the stage and they started singing Nothing To A King. I soon realised that it was Sam and Nate. I smiled to myself and I couldn't believe they were here. Sam told me that he was on tour. I guess this was his last show or something. I started dancing with girls and we were having some drinks along the way. 1 hour later, Sam and Nate finished on the stage. They both got off the stage and they went backstage.

I told the girls I was going to the toilets and they all nodded their heads. I made my way through the crowd and I headed up the stairs towards the toilets. I strolled towards the toilets but I felt someone grab my wrist and they turned me around. I came face to face with Sam and he smiled at me. I told him that I had to go to the toilet but he kissed me and we were making out. The kiss was passionate and I realised how I missed Sam's lips. Sam pulled away from me and we started speaking to each other.

Erin: I thought you were on tour.

Sam: I was but this was my last gig. Nate has already gone home to his girlfriend. Your friends told me that you missed me and that you were going out tonight. I told them to take you to this club and I knew after I finished off the stage I had to get you.

Erin: You could of visited me at home because I am drunk.

Sam: Don't worry about that. I will take you to my house for the night. I told Hailey that you were coming home with me.

Erin: Okay. Let me just go toilet and I will be back out here.

Sam: Okay.

Sam let go of my wrist and I went into the toilet. I did my business and I washed my hands. I departed the toilet and I saw a girl talking to Sam. Sam told her that he wasn't interested and he saw me. Sam smiled at me and grabbed my wrist. Sam wrapped his arm around my shoulders and the girl walked away. I just giggled and Sam walked us out of the club. Sam lead us over to a black car which must be his drivers and Sam opened the back door. I hopped into the car and Sam climbed in the car after me. Sam shut the car door behind him and he told his driver to go back to his house. His driver nodded his head and he drove off. Sam wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. My eyes started getting heavy and I fell asleep on Sam.

💚Sam's POV💚

I soon realised that Erin had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I smiled to myself. I rubbed my hand up and down her arm. 30 minutes later, my driver stopped the car and I realised that we was at my house. I mentioned a thank you to my driver and he nodded his head. I opened the car door and I picked up Erin. I was carrying Erin in my arms and I hopped out of the car. I shut the car door behind me and my driver drove away from my house. I strolled up to the front door of my house and I took my keys out my back pocket. I unlocked my front door and I opened my front door. I stepped inside my house and I shut the front door behind me. I locked the front door and I placed my keys on the hallway unit. I took Erin's bag out of her hands and I placed it on the hallway unit.

I carried Erin up the stairs and I managed to reach the top of the stairs. I carried her down the hallway and I entered my bedroom. I placed Erin on my bed and I grabbed one of my t-shirts out of my wardrobe. I exited my walk in wardrobe and I closed the wardrobe doors behind me. I made my way over to Erin and I took her shoes off. I placed her shoes on the bedroom floor and I got Erin out of her dress. I put my t-shirt on her and I put the duvet cover over her. I made my way into my en suite bathroom and I turned the bathroom light on. I closed the bathroom door behind me and I stripped out of my clothes so I was left in my boxers. I chucked my clothes in the wash basket and I wandered over to my bathroom sink. I brushed my teeth and I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash.

I headed towards the bathroom door and I opened the bathroom door. I turned the bathroom light off and I departed the en suite bathroom. I closed the bathroom door behind me and I shut my bedroom blinds. I walked around the other side of the bed and I climbed into the bed. I placed the duvet over me and I laid my head on my pillow. Erin turned around so she was facing me and she cuddled into me. I wrapped my arm around her and I fell asleep.

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