XXIX: Furniture Shopping For Our New House

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💙Erin's POV💙

I fluttered my eyes open and I heard the birds tweeting outside which brought a smile to my face. I stretched my body and I slowly crawled out of bed. I made my bed and I wandered over to my walk in wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe doors and I stepped inside the walk in wardrobe. I glanced through my clothes and I managed to pick out some clothes to wear for today. I picked up my black Vans and I walked out of the walk in wardrobe. I placed my clothes on my bed and I placed my shoes on the bedroom floor. I grabbed clean underwear from one of my bedside tables and I placed my underwear on my bed. I shut the wardrobe doors and I made my way into the en suite bathroom. I turned the bathroom light on and I wandered over to the shower. I turned the shower on and I grabbed two towels from the bathroom cupboard.

I placed the towel towels on the back of the bathroom door and I shut the bathroom door. I locked the bathroom door and I wandered over to the bathroom sink. I wiped my face with a make up wipe and I took my hair out of the high ponytail. I brushed my hair and I strolled over to the shower. I checked the water temperature and it was perfect. I stripped out of my pyjamas and I chucked my pyjamas in the wash basket. I climbed into the shower and I went straight underneath the water. I did what I needed to do in the shower and I finished 20 minutes later. I turned off the shower and I climbed out of the shower. I grabbed the small towel off the bathroom door and I towel dried my hair. I wrapped the towel around my head for my hair and I lifted up my head. I grabbed the other towel off the bathroom door and I dried my body.

I tied the towel around my body and I wandered over to the bathroom sink. I brushed my teeth and I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash. I took my hair out of the towel and I towel dried my hair again. I hung the towel back on the bathroom door and I strolled back over to the bathroom sink and I brushed my hair. I plugged the hair dryer in and I turned the hair dryer on. I started drying my hair and I finished 15 minutes later. I turned the hair dryer off and I placed the hair dryer in its holder. I unplugged the hair dryer and I brushed my hair. I let my hair go wavy and I applied my daily make up. I was satisfied with my appearance and I headed towards the bathroom door. I unlocked the bathroom door and I opened the bathroom door. I turned the bathroom light off and I departed the en suite bathroom.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and I locked my bedroom door. I untied the towel from my body and I let the towel drop to the bedroom floor. I sprayed deodorant underneath both of my arms and I sprayed body spray over my body. I sprayed perfume on my neck and I put my underwear on. I put my clothes on and I slipped on my black ankle socks. I slipped on my black vans and I put my earrings in. I put my watch on and I grabbed my handbag from underneath my bed. I put everything I needed for today in my bag and I zipped up my handbag. I picked up my phone from my bedside table and I placed my phone in my pocket. I picked up the towel off the bedroom floor and I made my way into the en suite bathroom. I placed the towel on the back of the bathroom door and I exited the en suite bathroom.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and I opened my bedroom blinds. I opened my window and put it on lock. I picked up my handbag from my bed and I placed it on my arm. I headed towards the bedroom door and I unlocked the bedroom door. I opened the bedroom door and I left my bedroom. I strolled down the hallway and I reached the stairs. I made my way down the stairs and I reached the bottom of the stairs. I placed my handbag on the last stair and I wandered down the hallway. I entered the kitchen and I saw Ava sat at the table eating breakfast. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. I made myself some breakfast and I made myself a cup of tea. I sat at the table with Ava and I ate my breakfast. 20 minutes later, I finished my breakfast and I drank my drink. I finished drinking my drink and I got out of my chair.

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