XVII: Beach Day With Friends

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💙Erin's POV💙

3 months later and I doing really well. I have moved on from Cameron and he obviously moved on from me because he now has a girlfriend. I haven't spoken to Cameron since we broke up which is a good thing because I don't think I can face him at the moment. I am not seeing anyone at the moment but I do hang around with Sam Wilkinson and his mates quite a lot. I have gotten quite close with Sam and we would always muck around with each other. Everyone always tells us that we are suitable for each other but we just laugh it off. I think it's best that we stayed friends for a while because we have come out of relationships and we don't want to jump into another relationship. I am currently working as a model now and I have been for a month now. I really like the job and I love the people that I work with.

Today, I have the day off and I am going to the beach with my friends. There is me, Hailey, Mia, Madison, Sam, Nate, Jack Gilkinsky and Jack Johnson. If your wondering who Madison is the she is Jack Gilinsky's girlfriend and we are really close with each other as she supported me through my breakup with Cameron. I fluttered my eyes open and I slowly crawled out of the bed. I made my bed and I wandered over to my walk in wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe doors and I stepped inside the walk in wardrobe. I picked out my clothes and I picked up some sandals. I exited the walk in wardrobe with my clothes and shoes. I shut the wardrobe doors behind me and I grabbed my bikini from one of my bedside tables. I made my way into the en suite bathroom and I turned the bathroom light on.

I placed my clothes on the closed toilet seat and I placed my shoes on the bathroom floor. I closed the bathroom door behind me and I stripped out of my pyjamas. I chucked my pyjamas in the wash basket and I sprayed deodorant underneath both arms. I put my bikini on and I sprayed body spray over my body. I sprayed perfume on my neck and I put my clothes on over my bikini. I slipped my feet into my sandals and I buckled my sandals around my ankles. I wandered over to the bathroom sink and I brushed my teeth. Once I finished brushing my teeth, I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and I wiped my face with a warm flannel. I brushed my hair and I shoved my hair up into a high ponytail. I didn't put make up on because I knew I was going in the water at the beach.

I was satisfied with my appearance and I made my way towards the bathroom door. I opened the bathroom door and I turned off the bathroom light. I departed the en suite bathroom and I closed the bathroom door behind me. I opened my bedroom blinds and I opened my bedroom window. I grabbed my beach bag from underneath my bed and I started packing the things that I will need to take to the beach. A towel, underwear, sun cream and spare clothing. I left my beach bag on my bed and I took my phone off charge. I placed my phone in my back pocket of my shorts and I headed over to the bedroom door. I opened the bedroom door and I exited my bedroom. I strolled down the hallway and I reached the stairs. I made my way down the stairs and I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I wandered down the hallway and I entered the kitchen. I made myself some breakfast and a cup of tea. Once I was done making everything, I sat at the table and I ate my breakfast. I finished eating my breakfast 15 minutes later and I drank my cup of tea. I finished my drink and I got out of the chair. I pushed the chair into the table and I picked up my dirty dishes off the table. I headed over to the dishwasher and I opened the dishwasher door. I placed my dirty dishes in the dishwasher and I shut the dishwasher door behind me. I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was 10:30am. Sam told me that he was picking me up at 10:30am to go to the beach. I left the kitchen and I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I entered my bedroom and the doorbell rung. I told someone to get that and I picked up my beach bag off my bed.

I departed my bedroom and I shut the bedroom door behind me. I strolled down the hallway and I reached the stairs. I made my way down the stairs and I noticed that Ashley had answered the front door. I mentioned a thank you to her and she smiled at me. Ashley told me to have a nice day and she walked away. I and Sam greeted each other. Sam asked if I was ready and I nodded my head. I stepped outside the house and I shut the front door. I and Sam strolled down towards his car. We reached the car and Sam told me that I had the front seat. I and Sam opened the car doors. We hopped into his car and we shut the car doors behind us. Nate and Jack Johnson were in the back seats. I and Sam buckled ourselves in. I placed my beach bag down by my feet and Sam started the car engine.

Sam drove away from my house and he drove his way to the beach that we was meeting everyone else at. On the journey, Nate kept telling Sam the wrong directions but Sam wouldn't listen as he knew they were wrong and Jack Johnson was laughing with Nate. I just shook my head and I glanced at the window. Sam asked if I was okay and I nodded my head at him. I smiled at him and Sam smiled back at me. Nate ruined the moment by saying that we should kiss each other and then we glanced away from each other. Sam told Nate a no and he just laughed off his comment. 30 minutes later, we arrived at the beach and I was glad because it was awkward after Nate's comment. We all unbuckled ourselves and I picked up my beach bag. We all opened the car doors and we jumped out of Sam's car.

We shut the car doors behind us and the boys grabbed their things from the boot. Sam shut the boot door behind them and Sam locked his car using his car keys. We all walked down to the beach but Sam was at the back walking slow and Nate was walking wit him. I was walking with Jack Johnson and we were mucking around with each other. We reached the others and the girls shouted my name. I ran over to them leaving the boys and I hugged the first person that was in front of me. Hailey. After hugging Hailey, I hugged the rest of the girls and the guys greeted each other. Us girls all left the guys and we went to the changing rooms to get changed. I stripped out of my clothes and I chucked them in my beach bag. I was wearing my bikini and I put my sunglasses over my eyes. I came out of the changing room and all of the girls were waiting for me.

Madison: Your body Girl.

Erin: Thanks. Yours is all amazing as well.

Mia: Not as good as yours. Have you been training.

Erin: Yeah. I go to the gym a few days a week.

Madison: Your going to be my gym partner.

I just laughed and we all left the changing rooms with our bags. We headed back to our spot and the boys were playing football. We just left them to it and we all set out our towels on the sand. We set our bags down and we all laid on our towels. We bathed in the sun and the weather was just lovely today.

💚Sam's POV💚

Us guys decided to play football because the girls went to the changing rooms so they could get changed. We were playing for 20 minutes and the girls came back to our stop. I couldn't help notice Erin. She had an amazing body and the bikini that she was wearing fitted her perfectly. I could tell that she goes to the gym and I don't knwo how she does it with her work. 10 minutes later, us guys stopped playing football and we had a plan to get the girls in the water. We knew that they wouldn't go in the water so that is why we will dunk them into the water. We quietly ran over to the girls and we picked up the girls. I took Erin. Jack Gilinsky took Madison. Nate took Hailey. Jack Johnson took Mia.

I chucked Erin over my shoulder and she started screaming. Erin knew what I had planned and she started hitting my back. I told her that is not going to help and I ran into the water. I chucked Erin into the water but the other guys didn't chuck the girls in and I shook my heads at them. They ran back to our spot on the beach and Erin came up from the water. I didn't notice that she resurfaced and she pulled me down into the water. I resurfaced back to the water and Erin tried swimming away from me. I grabbed hold of her waist and I wrapped my arms around her. Erin tried to get out of my grasp but I didn't let go and she gave up eventually. I just laughed at her and I started speaking to her but she ignored me. I spun Erin around so she was facing me and Erin just looked beautiful.

There were no words between us. We gazed into each others eyes and I glanced down at her lips. She seemed to noticed and I couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed Erin's face and I crashed my lips down on her lips. Her lips were soft but they were making the kiss passionate.

💙Erin's POV💙

I couldn't believe that Sam was kissing me but I knew I really liked it. We heard wolf whistles from our friends and Sam smirked into the kiss. We heard a male voice and the person mentioned my name. I and Sam pulled away from each other. I was still in Sam's arms but we both turned to face the person. It was Cameron and he had a jealous face. I don't know why because he supposely has a girlfriend but now he knows that I have moved on.

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