XXVII: My Birthday Meal

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💙Erin's POV💙

My Dad, Ashley and Ava have already left the house to go to the restaurant for the meal. I picked up my house keys off the hallway unit and I held hands with Sam. Sam opened the front door and we both stepped outside. I closed the front door behind us and I locked the house up. I and Sam strolled towards his car. Sam took his car keys out of his pocket and unlocked his car using his car keys. We let go of each others hand and we went to the side of the car that we needed. We opened the car doors and we hopped into the car. We shut the car doors behind us and we buckled ourselves in. Sam put the car keys into the car and he started the car engine. Sam drove down the drive way and drove away from the house. Sam drove his way to the restaurant where we was having my birthday meal.

45 minutes later, we arrived at the restaurant and Sam drove into the restaurant car park. Sam drove around to find an empty parking space and he managed to find one. Sam drove into the parking space and he stopped the car engine. Sam took his car keys out of the car and we unbuckled ourselves. I left my house keys in the car and we opened the car doors. We jumped out of the car and we closed the car doors behind us. Sam locked his car using his car keys and he put his car keys in his pocket. We held each others hand and we strolled into the restaurant. We saw my Dad, Ashley and Ava already sat at the table. We strolled over to them and we let go of each others hand. We sat at the table and the waiteress took our drink order. The waiteress walked away and we all glanced through the menu to see what to order.

The waiteress came back wih our drinks and gave us our drinks. The waiteress took our food order and she took our menus off us. The waitress told us that the food will be 30 minutes and she walked away. We were chatting to one another so it passed time. Sam and I told my Dad that we have been looking at houses for ourselves. My Dad was telling me that I was all grown up but he was happy for us that we were moving in with each other. 30 minutes later, our food arrived at the table and the waiteress gave us all our food. She walked away and we ate our food. 20 minutes later, we finished all of our food except Ava and we drank our drinks. We finished our drinks and we waited Ava to finish her food. 10 minutes later, Ava finished her food and she finished her drink. My Dad and Sam went up to the bar so they can pay for the food.

We waited for them to come back to the table and I was speaking to Ashley. My Dad and Sam came back to the table telling us that the food was paid. We got ready to go and we all got up from the table. My Dad, Ashley and Ava was in front of us. I and Sam held hands with each other. We strolled out of the restaurant and we mentioned a thank you to all of the staff before we left the restaurant. We got outside and my Dad mentioned a goodbye to me. I was confused but I mentioned a goodbye to my family and I hugged them. I put Ava back on the floor as she was the last person I hugged and Sam mentioned his goodbyes. We wandered over to his car and we reached his car. We let go of each other and Sam got his car keys out of his pocket. Sam went around to the drivers side and I went around to the front passenger side.

We opened the car doors and we jumped into the car. We closed the car doors behind us and we strapped ourselves in. Sam put his car keys into the car and he started the car engine. Sam reversed out of the parking space and he drove around the car park. Sam drove out of the car park and he drove his way back home which I thought that is where we were going. Sam was driving through the town and I knew that this wasn't the way home. I started to realise that Sam had something else planned but I relaxed back in my seat and watched the world go by. 25 minutes later, the car came to a stop and I glanced out the car window. I noticed a posh hotel and I realised that we were staying here for the night. We unbuckled ourselves and we opened the car doors. We hopped out of the car and we closed the car doors behind us.

Sam grabbed two bags from the boot and he shut the boot door behind him. Sam locked his car using his car keys and Sam put his car keys in his pocket. Sam gave me my bag that had my clothes in and he interwined our hands together. We entered the hotel and we walked straight up to the front desk. Sam started speaking to the lady at the desk and she gave us our room keys. She told us to have an enjoyable stay and we smiled at her. I and Sam wandered over to the lift. Sam pressed the button on the wall for the lift and we waited for the lift to come down to ground floor. The lift came down to ground floor and the lift doors opened. We let all of the people that was in lift out first and we entered the lift. Sam pressed the button 4 for level 4 and the lift doors shut. The lift started moving and the lift beeped when we were on level 4.

The lift doors opened and we departed the lift. We headed down the corridor towards our hotel room and we reached our hotel room. Sam unlocked the hotel door by swiping the card in the keylock and Sam opened the hotel door. Sam let me go in first and I entered the hotel room. Sam followed behind me and Sam shut the hotel door behind him. We dropped our bags on the floor and Sam shut the curtains. Sam strolled over to me and he placed his lips on my lips. Our lips moved in sync and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Sam unattached our lips and Sam put his lips on my neck. Sam placed light kisses on my neck and he started sucking on my skin giving me a few lovebites. Sam placed his lips back on mine and Sam put his hands on my hips. Sam walked us back and we ended up on the bed.

We continued to make out with each other and lead to us having some fun. 2 hours later, we finished having our fun and I was getting tired. We both got ready for bed and Sam was just finishing up in the bathroom. I was already underneath the duvet and waiting for him. Sam came out of the bathroom 10 minutes later and he turned the bathroom light off. Sam shut the bathroom door and Sam climbed underneath the duvet. Sam wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I laid my head on his chest and Sam was playing with my hair. We both soon fell asleep in each others arms.

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